预计在5月底到来的更新将引入Fatui Cryo Cicin Mage、Abyss Lector: Fathomless Flames和Electro Hypostasis到数字卡牌游戏中。Fatui法师将成为继之前加入的Agent和Mirror Maiden之后,第三位在卡牌游戏中变得可玩的Fatui敌人。Electro Hypostasis将成为《原神》元素立方体BOSS中第一个成为角色卡牌的BOSS。版本3.7中的新...
Hydro Hypostasis Electro Hypostasis Pyro Hypostasis Geo Hypostasis ByDave Aubrey PublishedNov 26, 2020 Follow Genshin Impact Related Genshin Impact: Every Playable Character's Age, Height, And Birthday Genshin Impact: Every Weapon In Remembrance Of Jade And Stone, Ranked ...
Cryo Hypostasis Hydro Hypostasis Electro Hypostasis Pyro Hypostasis Geo Hypostasis ByJessica Clark Dillon PublishedFeb 11, 2021 Follow Like Genshin Impact Related Genshin Impact: Every Playable Character's Age, Height, And Birthday Genshin Impact: Enchanted Tales Of The Mikawa Festival Event Guide...
Learn how to make the best Eula build in Genshin Impact by following this walkthrough, which takes you through weapons, artifacts, constellations, and more.
Follow these steps to create the best Yoimiya build in Genshin Impact. This walkthrough covers everything from wishing and weapons to abilities and talents.
Lightning prisms– drops from the Electro Hypostasis normal boss in Mondstadt What are Fischl’s talent materials? You can upgrade each of Fischl’s active talents to level ten.Here are all the materials you need to max out one talent: ...
Genshin Impact: Storm Butterfly Intermezzo I – Pure Anemo Hypostasis boss guide The domain’s location is still the same as the area where you fought thePure Electro Hypostasis. For the Storm Butterfly Intermezzo I challenge, however, the four characters who can deal +20% damage areFischl...
When it is in danger, it will release Restorative Piths that have the properties of Tri-Lakshana Creatures. Use Dendro to revive these Piths and induce a Normal State in them to continuously cleanse the Dendro Hypostasis, and use Electro to trigger their Activated state and speed up the ...
Dendro Hypostasis Location:in a cave to the south of Dar al-Shifa in Sumeru’s desert Exclusive drops:nagadus emeralds, quelled creepers Iniquitous Baptist Location:in a cavern near the Gate of Zulqarnain (teleport to the waypoint to the southwest of Tunigi Hollow then head through the cav...
Electro Hypostasis Electro Regisvine Thunder Manifestation Primo Geovishap Bathysmal Vishap Herd Stormterror Dvalin Azhdaha Childe Raiden Shogun Iniquitous Baptist Talent Books Justice: Farming Strategy Image Courtesy: In-game Screenshot (Captured by: Sanmay Chakrabarti) ...