Overall,Skyward Atlasis the most versatile five-star catalyst whileThe Widsithis your best four-star bet, but the best catalyst for each character varies quite drastically in this category depending on what you want the character to focus on. Best weapons for Claymore characters inGenshin Impact ...
This guide to the best Genshin Impact Furina build will explain the best weapons, artifact sets, constellations, and team compositions for Furina. Furina Rarity: ★★★ Element: Hydro Weapon: Sword Genshin Impact Freminet Guide - Best Builds, Weapons, Artifacts, and Teams 11:03 Au...
Barbara has the potential to be the best healer in Genshin Impact, and all you need is the equipment in this guide.
this Cryo Claymore user is an all-new five-star character who’s sure to rack up enough damage to become a truly powerful and sought-after party member. Here’s everything you need to about the best Eula builds out there, from her best...
We’re looking at the best builds for Furina in Genshin Impact. As the reigning Hydro Archon of Fontaine – and our hearts – Furina is an incredibly versatile character who can fulfil several roles. Thanks to this versatility Furina can be a healer-focused character or a sub-DPS support....
Unlock Kirara's full potential as a Dendro Sword user in Genshin Impact. Explore the Best Weapons, Artifacts, Teams, Skills and Talents in our comprehensive Kirara build guide.
Viridescent Venerer is the best set for both of Jean’s builds. It doesn’t boost her personal damage as much as other sets, but the resistance shred it offers gives a substantial increase to the whole team. Alternatively, if there’s already an anemo character on her team with the ...
Unlock Bennett's full potential as a Pyro Sword user in Genshin Impact. Explore the Best Weapons, Artifacts, Teams, Skills and Talents in our comprehensive Bennett build guide.
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging enemies with an Area of Effect impact. Elemental Skill Icetide Vortex Eula coats her blade in ice to make it sharp but as swift as any Anemo blade. Press Eula slashes swiftly, dealing Cyro Damage ...
Genshin Impact has become a wildly popular RPG game in recent years, with a vast array of diverse and unique characters. However, fans have raised concerns about the age of these characters, particularly as some of them may appear younger than they actually are....