In this Genshin Impact Electroculus locations guide, we show you how to fully power up the Statues of the Seven in Inazuma.
Currently, there are 95 electroculi in the world, all of which are only found in the overworld, meaning they don’t appear in chests. Where can I find a Genshin Impact electroculus? The short answer is all over Inazuma! When you’re in close proximity to an electroculi, you hear a ...
Electroculus (Inazuma) Dendroculus (Sumeru) Hydroculus (Fontaine) Levelling up the statues of the seven gives you various rewards and buffs within the region. You need to be quite close to the oculus for the star icon to appear. If you’re having trouble locating them, you can forge the...
Teleport ALL[v3.4][AL-20M][2023-01-18] 【Test】Teleport ALL[v3.4-Test][AL-20M][2023-01-18] 【Test】Teleport ALL[v3.4][AL-15M][2023-01-18] ALL Waypoint 3.3 ALL Waypoint (include Statue and Domain) 3.4 ALL Waypoint (without Statue and Domain) 3.3 Dendroculus 180 3.3 Dendroculus ...
While completing the aforementionedInazuma quest inGenshin Impact, players can find an Electroculus in the tower. Another Electroculus found during "Tatara Tales" is inside a small cave east of the previous Electroculus. ✕Remove Ads South of the previous collectible, there's an Electroculus at...
2022/09/30 AnemOculus Teyvat inkay#5122 2022/10/07 Crimson Agate Teyvat 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓷#6895 2022/09/30 Geoculus Teyvat inkay#5122 2022/09/30 Electroculus Teyvat inkay#5122 2022/10/11 Lumenspar The Chasm Underground emma1259#3965 2022/10/11 Lumenspar-upgrade1 The Chasm Undergroun...
While you're here, be sure to check out our guide to allGenshin Impact Electroculus locationsand our list of all theGenshin Impact weapons. We also have a regularly updatedGenshin Impact codesguide if you're looking for some handy freebies. ...
Great Amakumo Peak Unlock the mechanism beneath Amakumo Peak Navigate the underground ruins underneath Amakumo Peak and reach the room with the Electroculus. Yes Exploration 2.1 5 Traverse the Fog Door Get used to Tsurumi Island's odd weather. Earned during A Particularly Particular Author. ...
Update 2.0 for Genshin Impact is shaping up to be the biggest update that the game has received to date, adding an entire new region, all-new characters,
Bennett has been disregarded as mid-tier at best, but that's not true with this Genshin Impact build.