Adeptal Energy 60 Load 220 (199) Trust 60 AE/L Ratio 0.27 (0.3) Description 以「業果木」製作的須彌立燈,造型靈動,有著豐富的輪廓曲線,而不顯繁雜。燈體的不同高度設有三座燈盞,分別為主燈、副燈和就寢燈。根據不同的需求熄滅或點亮這三盞燈,便能應對日常生活中的所有光照需求,極為方便,能給人們帶...
Placement Indoor Adeptal Energy 60 Load 85 (64) Trust 60 AE/L Ratio 0.71 (0.94) Description 可見於須彌城中餐館、酒館或咖啡館的桌台,以優良的「業果木」打造而成,寬大而牢固,下方設有空間充足的暗櫃,可以擺放各式料理、調味品或飲品。長條形的構造便於客人們一字排開,自由選擇所需之物,相當方便。
Adeptal Energy Load 300 1200 Adeptal Energy per Load 0.25 Description Character In-Residence Xiao can be invited as a Companion into the player's Serenitea Pot after obtaining him and completing the World Quest Idle Teapot Talk. Contents 1 Favorite Furnishing Sets 2 Idle Quotes 3 Dialogue 4 ...
Adeptal Energy 1,360 Description Draws inspiration from the layout of the military buildings and furnishings of the Kujou Encampment. During the conflict between the Shogun's Army and the resistance, both sides have sought various ways to improve the quality of their new recruits upon joining ...
The amount of Adeptal Energy within the realm will gradually increase along with the number of furnishings placed. Once a new Adeptal Energy Rank is reached, the realm’s output will also increase. Creating You can obtain the materials required to create furnishings in many different ways, all...
Yaoyao is currently a character in Genshin Impact. This page provide Yaoyao Build best build and team information.
However, the adeptal energy flowing through her was too much, causing her to go berserk. Final Thoughts Qiqi is an incredible healer who can heal based on her attack. While building her might be a little more difficult than a healer like Barbara, who scales off of HP, she can still ...
Realm Layout. SelectSublime Spicewood, then clickSwitchto begin decorating your beautiful treehouse. Don't worry, as the Adeptal Energy used to collect Realm Currency is based on the highest among your existing Realms, so you don't have to rush filling the Sumeru-themed ...
1.6, if you're fond of the Serenitea Pot we introduced earlier, you can also invite characters you own to reside in your realm. Characters in your realm will gradually accumulate Character Companionship Experience over time, and this rate of increase will grow with a higher Adeptal Energy ...
Genshin Impact has a massive roster of playable characters, rated as both 5-star and 4-star characters. This rating tends to be indicative of how powerful