Making them requires having6 Cor Lapis and 6 Frogs.Cor Lapis is found in Liyue and Frogs appear near freshwater ponds. Give them to Clitopho and then go to the Teleport Waypoint you glided down to in Meeting New People... and Foiling Some Bandits. Jump off the side behind it, and la...
I'd just missed the really big part - the fact it's a pacifisticGenshin Impactwearing a pretty dress. And as that realisation sunk in for the first time, my heart also sank with it. I really tried, I meanreallytried to get into Nikki's gacha offerings; to delight in its menagerie ...
Each artifact has several substats (maximum of 4) that are also determined randomly. You level up your artifacts by feeding them other artifacts. The level cap for 5* artifacts is 20, and you get an increase to one random substat every 4 levels. Healing Bonus, Physical DMG, and all the...
I wonder if his "That Which Rises From the Sea" story is based on that one time Yahweh cursed Egypt with frogs... "This is what the great LORD says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me. If you refuse to let them go, I will plague your whole country with frogs. The...