Read along to find out the best DPS units in the game so far (Patch 4.1). Take note that by “best”, we mean to evaluate the character as a whole, not just combat and utility but also when it comes to characterization, style, and impact in the game. Also keep in mind that these...
If it wasn’t enough that Raiden is one of the best DPS in the game—who also acts as a great driver for Xiangling, Xingqiu and Bennett in theRaiden Nationalteam comp—she also carries your team as a support. Her Elemental SkillTranscendence: Baleful Omenbuffs the burst damage of your ot...
Hu Tao has always been one of the best DPS in Genshin Impact, and of course, she still is. Being in almost every team thatwho wants to compete in Spiral Abyss, she’s a necessity for lots of players. Both based on elemental reactions and raw DPS, her gameplay is amazing. ...
Need a build for Eula? We have one prepared for you:Genshin Impact Eula Best Build, Team, and More! Category: Genshin Impact Nicki Siand othersNicki Si and othersFeb 26, 2025 Nicki Siand othersNicki Si and othersFeb 18, 2025
Always energetic and full of life, Amber's the best - albeit only - Outrider of the Knights of Favonius. Rate this item:0.501.001.502.002.503.003.504.004.505.00Submit Rating 2.6/5 (38 votes) Details Rarity4 RoleSub DPS ElementPyro
Best Wanderer teams inGenshin Impact Since Wanderer is a flexible hypercarry, he has a lot of viable team compositions. His usual team consists of a sub-DPS, healer, and buffer, as it’s the optimal way to unlock his full potential. ...
His tumultuous past relates him to the Raiden Shogun Vision Decree and the loss of his best friend. Keqing Estimated Age: 17 years old Birthday: November 20 Height: 5’2″ Weapon: Sword Vision Element: Electro One of the members of the Liyue Qixing, Keqing currently possesses the title of...
Main DPSSub DPSSupportHealer Hu TaoYelanFurina Xianyun Bennett Furina is a great source of bothHydroand also buffs inHu Taoteam compositions. Best supported by healers such asXianyunorBennetthowever shielders can work such asZhongliorCitlali. ...
Unlock Bennett's full potential as a Pyro Sword user in Genshin Impact. Explore the Best Weapons, Artifacts, Teams, Skills and Talents in our comprehensive Bennett build guide.
Yaoyao is currently a character in Genshin Impact. This page provide Yaoyao Build best build and team information.