popular music,popular music genre- any genre of music having wide appeal (but usually only for a short time) expressive style,style- a way of expressing something (in language or art or music etc.) that is characteristic of a particular person or group of people or period; "all the repor...
01 必修二 Unit 2 South China Tigers 03:09 必修二 Unit 3 数字工具改变课堂 05:01 必修二 Unit 3 社交媒体的诱惑 02:08 必修二 Unit 3 Digital Divide 02:34 必修二 Unit 4 Symbols of Britain 02:06 必修二 Unit 4 Ireland 03:33 必修二 Unit 5 Virtual Choir 《无数个梦想》 03:09 必修二 ...
There are many differentgenres of music. There is also a huge amount of music genre crossover. Throughout history, we tend to identify artists from different genres with a single genre. However, they can make music across many different types of music genres. Understanding different types of m...
高中英语课件:Genres of music(上课).ppt,Genres of music RB rockroll rap disco 录音室进行音响合成,节奏强劲的 soul摇滚乐和黑人福音歌混合而成的黑人流行音乐,演奏时较少使用乐器 reggae 起源于牙买加,节奏强烈的 bossa nova 带有爵士味道的巴西音乐,柔和、轻松、
【精品】Genres of music 下载积分: 680 内容提示: Main Genres of American Music 文档格式:PPT | 页数:19 | 浏览次数:18 | 上传日期:2014-02-20 00:28:23 | 文档星级: Main Genres of American Music 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 12 p. 【精品】语基+诗歌 13 p. 【精品】《爬山虎的脚...
Musicisfoundineveryknownculture,past andpresent,varyingwildlybetweentimesand places.Sinceallpeopleoftheworld,includingthe mostisolatedtribalgroups,haveaformofmusic, itmaybeconcludedthatmusicislikelytohave beenpresentintheancestralpopulationpriorto thedispersalofhumansaroundtheworld. ...
Genres of music MainGenresofAmericanMusic Thebriefintroduction•Genres---typesofmusic Musicisfoundineveryknownculture,pastandpresent,varyingwildlybetweentimesandplaces.Sinceallpeopleoftheworld,includingthemostisolatedtribalgroups,haveaformofmusic,itmaybeconcludedthatmusicislikelytohavebeenpresentintheancestralpopula...
There are hundreds of genres (流派) of music, so while some might like one kind, others might like something completely different. Why do people like different kinds of music?16 At the same time, music can also help us feel like part of a group or a culture, especially one that shares...
I’m fond of hip hop music. 我喜欢听嘻哈音乐。 (最近好像越来越多的人要说这句话了,因为一档著名的音乐节目。) 如果要说喜欢什么样风格的音乐,要学会这个词: genre 类型;种类;风格 (这个词主要用于指文学、艺术类的不同风格。) My favorite genre of music is R & B music. ...