4. Text (文本) - a piece of written or printed material regarded as conveying meaning. 5. Cohesion (连贯性) - the quality of being united or connected in a logical or natural way. 6. Intertextuality (互文性) - the relationship between different texts, often seen as a way in which they...
Discusses articles featured in the March 1999 issue of the 'European Journal of English Studies' which focused on the meaning of genre in literary studies and literary theory. Advantage of a genre coding; Result of a study on genre and sub-genre styles in Late Middle English....
Kress, G.R.: 1989, ‘Texture and meaning’, in R. Andrews (ed.), Narrative and Argument, Open University Press, Milton Keynes. Google Scholar Macken, M. et al.: 1989, An Approach to Writing K-12: Introduction, Literacy and Education Research Network, Directorate of Studies, NSW Depart...
The main examples of genres in literature are poetry, drama, and prose. Poetry is a genre in literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language to evoke meanings in addition to, or in place of, the prosaic ostensible meaning. Drama is a mode of fictional representation through ...
Thinkof:•*(social/cultural)context•purpose•conventions/structure•languageuse Genresvs.texttypes Genrescanbeidentifiedandclassifiedintermsof:•function:e.g.jobapplication,filmreview,newspapereditorial,newsreport,travelbrochure(alsoknownasmacro-genres)Texttypescanbeidentifiedandclassifiedintermsof:•...
and essays will all likely be read. Of course you will focus on the reading skills needed to comprehend each text, but each type of text has certain qualities that will also need to be taught to your students. In this way, the types of reading material are just as important as the rea...
1. I find all of these suggestions valuable, but the suggestion to“embrace ambiguity” is particularly impressive. It encourages readers to appreciate the complexity and multiple layers of meaning within a poem, which can lead to a deeper and more personal connection with the work. This approach...
), occasionally spelled "Girl's Love" or "Girls' Love", or abbreviated as "GL", is also used with this meaning.[3][16] Yuri is generally a form of fanspeak amongst fans, but its usage by authors and publishers has increased since 2005.[3][5] The term "Girls Love", on the ...
We argue that 'text', 'genre', and 'society' are three crucial nodes that allow us to access the many levels at which individual films and groups of texts make meaning. The first half of the paper outlines three reading strategies, which we feel are crucial to understanding popular film ...
I’m not meaning to suggest that casual synopses of ‘literary’ stories are inherently boring, either. Anything can be boring in synopsis, especially one I’m more than likely slanting in order to make a point. I just want you to see how easy it is to fall into that pattern of ‘thi...