我们的下一站可是哥伦布的故居。 路过法拉利广场(Piazza de Ferrari),可以看到上一篇游记中提到的建国三杰之一加里波第(Garibaldi)的雕像。加里波第是尼斯出生的利古里亚人,也曾经当过船长。海鸥们认不得许多人物,只知道这个船长的青铜帽子是不错的落脚点。后头的建筑是土耳其领事馆,正好契合他在君士坦丁堡的多次经历。如此...
基本上半个小时左右就能逛完水族馆。📍Piazza de Ferrari广场的喷泉非常美丽,旁边还有一个写着Genova的路牌,特别适合打卡拍照,记录下Genova的美景。📍Soho Via Ai Ponte Cavi, 20R, 16124 这家餐厅是在百度上查攻略时发现的,听说准备升米其林餐厅。服务态度非常好,员工们都很热情,菜单价格在人均30-40欧元之间。
佛拉里广场(Piazza de Ferrari),也译作法拉利广场,是热那亚的主广场,坐地铁在De Ferrari的话出来就看到广场,广场上的喷泉很壮观,广场被总督府、航海宫等古老建筑包围,古老建筑的购物街在附近。 白衣卿相东 It belongs to the people's square of Genoa. Generally speaking, it's not big, but I can still ...
热那亚果然是一个繁华的海港 热那亚的市中心位于费拉里广场(Piazza De Ferrari),周围坐落着卡洛菲利切剧场(Teatro Carlo Felice)和公爵府(Palazzo Ducale)。 广场中间的喷泉非常有气势 公爵府全景 公爵府的门把 很厉害的街头艺人,画是用喜力的啤酒易拉罐瓶做的 个人非常喜欢的一个教堂——圣洛伦索教堂。此教堂建于11...
The presidential palace is located in Piazza de Ferrari and needs to pass through Piazza Giacomo Matteotti. As the residence of the former rulers of Genoa, it has some small exclusive collections and archives, including some original records about the Museo del jazz. There are also fascinating te...
Piazza Ferrari. Photo © Slow Italy. On your way to Christopher Columbus’ house, don’t missPiazza de Ferrariwith thePalazzo della Borsa(1907-1912), theTeatro Carlo Felice, theAccademia Ligustica di Belle Arti, thePalazzo of Regione Liguriaand thePalazzo della Borsa. ...
Situated in the heart of Genoa, Hotel Bristol Palace places you steps from museums and historic landmarks like Palazzo Ducale, Piazza de Ferrari, and Carlo Felice Theatre. It’s also close to the dining, nightlife, and shopping on Via XX Settembre. AddressVia XX Settembre, 35, Genova, Ita...
you can take a train from Genoa Cristoforo Colombo Airport to Genova Piazza Principe railway station. From there, it's just a short walk to the hotel. Trains run frequently, and the journey takes around 20 minutes, offering a cost-effective and convenient way to reachH2.0 Genova. For those...
GENOVA出租一间房 本人是建筑系 Design del prodotto e dell‘evento 研2的学生 合租的人2014年1月搬走。空出一房间 房子在zona:centro storico,在palazzo rosso、piazza della merdiana附近。 到piazza de ferrari 10分钟 到建筑系15分钟 到经济系15分钟 到语言系10分钟 到principe火车站15分钟 以上时间均为步行...
Piazza de Ferrari 4.5/5(74 reviews) Stroll past the quaint shops and cafés that line the narrow alleys leading to Genoa’s main square then visit the historic buildings surrounding it.Piazza de Ferrari Teatro Carlo Felice Watch a choral concert, an orchestral recital or a dramatic performance ...