genotype和phenotype的区别基因型与表型的核心区别在于,前者是生物体遗传信息的内部基础,后者是遗传与环境共同作用下的外在表现。具体差异主要体现在定义、决定因素、可观察性及稳定性等方面。 一、定义与本质不同 基因型指生物体携带的特定基因组合,由DNA序列决定,代表遗传信息的潜在...
基因型(genotype)和表现型(phenotype) 下载积分: 4000 内容提示: 四、 多对相对性状的遗传( 一) 、多对相对性状独立分配的条件( 二) 、用分枝法分析多对相对性状遗传三 三、 、用二项式法分析多对相对性状遗传 ( )( 四) 、n 对相对性状的遗传 文档...
4.3.1 Define genotype, phenotype, dominant allele, recessive allele, co-dominant alleles,, homozygous, heterozygous, carrier and test cross. Genotype: the alleles of an organism. Phenotype: the characteristics of an organism. Dominant allele: an allele that has the same effect on the phenotype wh...
each F2 phenotype for two independently inherited characters. 32/55 2. 2.两对相对性状遗传分析: 两对相对性状遗传分析: Generation of the F2 trihybrid phenotypic ratio using the forked-line method. 33/55 二、二项式展开 二、二项式展开 采用上述棋盘方格将显性和隐性基因数目不同的组合 及其概率进行...
The genotype of the individual determines the phenotype. However, it is not always possible to know the genotype by looking only at the phenotype. Using the purple-flowered pea plant example above, there is no way to know by looking at a single plant whether the genotype is made up of two...
Dissecting the relationship between genotype and phenotype is one of the central goals in developmental biology and medicine. 解剖基因型与表型之间的关系是在发育生物学和医学的主要目标之一。 8. The M. tuberculosis strains studied showed no correlation between the virulence, viability, an...
Phenotype The outer appearance of an organism or the visible physical characteristics are known as phenotypes. When genes express themselves externally, that is the phenotype of that organism. It is like the “final product” that is shaped by our genes and the environment we live in. It includ...