Here, we investigate the effects of filtering on GEA results and the potential implications for assessment of adaptation to environment. We use empirical and simulated data sets derived from two widespread tree species to assess the effects of filtering on GEA outputs. Critically, we find that the...
Genotype-environment interaction (GEI) is an age-old, universal issue that relates to all living organisms. Genotypes and environments interact to produce an array of phenotypes. GEI can be defined as the difference between the phenotypic value and the value expected from the corresponding genotypic...
Abstract Genotype × environment interactions (GxE) have long been recognized as a key mechanism underlying human phenotypic variation. Technological developments over the past 15 years have dramatically expanded our appreciation of the role of GxE in both gene regulation and complex traits. The ri...
The majority of G × E SNP associations were identified for BW in this study. Studies have shown that loci identified in GWAA of BW could either represent direct effects of the fetal genotype, indirect effects of maternal genotype (acting via the intrauterine environment), or some combinatio...
geneticfactorsaswelIasgenotypebyenvironment(GxE)interactioneffects.TheGxEeffectsfor agronomictraitsofricehavebeendissectedwithvariousapproaches。butnotwiththecurrentavailable approach,theassociationstudies.1nthisstudy,atotaIof32655singlenucleotidepolymorphismswereused ...
Ulbricht, J.A., Neiderhiser, J.M. (2009). Genotype–Environment Correlation and Family Relationships. In: Kim, YK. (eds) Handbook of Behavior Genetics. Springer, New York, NY. Download citation ...
No significant gene-environment interaction was observed for women. DEP is associated with higher atherogenic risk in women (low HDL-cholesterol), whereas the reverse is observed in men (low LDL-cholesterol). Late-life depression may have a complex gender-specific etiology involving genetic ...
(Meyer-Lindenberg et al.2006; Oreland et al.2007; Booij et al.2015). Extant evidence also implicates gene-by-environment interactions of a functional variable nucleotide polymorphism in the promoter ofMAOA(MAOA-uVNTR) and adversity in modifying risk for negative behavioural outcomes, principally ...
We estimated genotype by environment interaction (G × E) on later cognitive performance and educational attainment across four unique environments, i.e. 1) breastfed without maternal smoking, 2) breastfed with maternal smoking, 3) non-breastfed without maternal smoking and 4) non-breastfed...
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