GENOMICS PROTEOMICS&BIOINFORMATICS官网显示最新影响因子为6.409分,影响因子总体呈上升趋势,去年有所下降。 02 费用 根据GENOMICS PROTEOMICS&BIOINFORMATICS官网显示:为了提供开放获取,该期刊有出版费(文章出版费,APC),出版费为3650美元,不含税。作者或其研究资助者需要为每篇发表的开放获取文章支付该费用。这确保您的文章将...
protein complexes in terms of structure, function, properties and interactions, metabolomicsBioinformatics: genome analysis, sequence analysis, genetic and population analysis, phylogenetics, gene expression, database, web server, algorithm, tools and software, with emphasis on large-scale data analysis bas...
protein structures, to better understand how the variation causes disease, and thereby design therapeutics. Here we present the Genomics 2 Proteins portal ( a human proteome-wide resource that maps 20,076,998 genetic variants onto 42,413 protein sequences and ...
Posts about BioIT: BioInformatics, NGS, Clinical & Translational, Pharmaceutical R&D Informatics, Clinical Genomics, Cancer Informatics written by Dr. Sudipta Saha, sjwilliamspa, and 2012pharmaceutical
Since the early days of the genome era, the scientific community has relied on a single ‘reference’ genome for each species, which is used as the basis for a wide range of genetic analyses, including studies of variation within and across species. As sequencing costs have dropped, thousands...
With the rapid increase in the amount of Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) data, the establishment of an event-centered PPI ontology that contains temporal and spatial vocabularies is urgently needed to clarify PPI biological annotations. In this paper, we propose a precisely designed schema - PPIO...
The Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) network of DEGs was established through the online tool STRING (, which predicted interactions between proteins and determined the mechanisms of IgAN [22, 23]. Interaction with a combined score > 0.7 was set as the threshold for...
also included a tandem array of ten homologs ofCONSTITUTIVE EXPRESSER OF PR GENES 1(CPR1), a negative regulator of defense response that targets resistance proteins70,71. Finally, we identified three duplicates encoding Leaf rust 10 disease-resistance locus receptor-like protein kinases (LRK10L)....
3b). The spatial predictions of the BaSISS model of intraductal acquisition of PTEN mutations and PTEN protein loss was confirmed by LCM–WGS and IHC, respectively (Fig. 2c and Extended Data Fig. 5d). In sample P2-TN1, the only predicted driver point mutation was a deleterious mutation in...
and protein domains, (iii) perform phylogenetic analyses, (iv) compare the SET domain-containing genes of potato with other plant species with respect to protein domains and orthologous relationships, (v) analyse tissue-specific expression, and (vi) study the expression of StSET genes in response...