Genomic DNA is subjected to restriction enzyme digestion and size-separated by electrophoresis in an agarose gel. The DNA is transferred to a nylon membrane and analysed using digoxigenin (DIG)-11-dUTP labelled probes. Probes may be reverse transcribed cDNA, single exons, or larger regions of the...
This product is a high purity genomic DNA extract from 293T cells, agarose gel (0.7%) electrophoresis showed that the size of the DNA extract is more than 15Kb, and basically no degradation, the product is ultimately preserved in TE Buffer, which can be widely used in molecular biology expe...
Hence, considering the relevance of genomic DNA for understanding the plant microbiome, the aim of this chapter is to provide fundamental knowledge for researchers and their teams to perform the separation of genomic DNA protocol through agarose gel electrophoresis.Pereira, Paula Roberta Costalonga...
图3.Genomic DNA from various sources purified using GeneJET Genomic DNA Purification Kit Genomic DNA purified from various sources using the GeneJET Genomic DNA Purification Kit. 150 ng of isolated genomic DNA from each source was fractionated by agarose gel (0.5%) electrophoresis. ...
Each ladder excised from the plasmids; then the size of the final ladder sequence was confirmed on an agarose gel and quantified by UV fluorometry (Thermofisher Qbuit). In total 14 different DNA ladders were generated. Purified DNA ladders were quantified using the BR dsDNA Qubit Assay on a...
The exponential amplification of the ligated probe sequence generates double stranded DNA products that are unit lengths of the probe [4]. Electrophoretic separation on an agarose gel generates a ladder of DNA bands as seen in Figure 3. Typically, the products ranged in size from 80 bases to ...
Genomic DNA from each individual was extracted from breast muscle samples using the phenol–chloroform method. The DNA quality was assessed by agarose gel electrophoresis. A DNA library (paired-end, 2 × 150 bp) was constructed for each DNA sample, and all libraries were sequenced on the ...
Total RNA was extracted from each tissue using the RNAprep Pure Plant Kit (Tiangen Biotech, China), and the genomic DNA was removed using RNase-Free DNase I (Takara, Japan). The integrity and quality of RNA were evaluated on a 1.5% agarose gel and NanoDrop 2000 (Thermo Fisher Scientific,...
Based on the influence of polyphenols in extraction quality of Tsoongiodendron odorum Chun, the routine CTAB method was improved to extract the genomic DNA of Tsoongiodendron odorum Chun. Its quality was examined by ultraviolet absorption test, agarose gel eletrophoresis, ISSR marker and double ...
The exponential amplification of the ligated probe sequence generates double stranded DNA products that are unit lengths of the probe [4]. Electrophoretic separation on an agarose gel generates a ladder of DNA bands as seen in Figure 3. Typically, the products ranged in size from 80 bases to ...