The aim of this work was to develop two simple models to describe and predict the kinetics of viability and mortality of genome damage induced by UV-C light onE. coli, considering both: a multiple impact and a corpurscular behavior of light. We used a set of five strains that were diffe...
DNA looping in cellular repression of transcription of the galactose operon. Genes Dev. 4, 410–418 (1990). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Reitzer, L. J. & Magasanik, B. Transcription of glnA in E. coli is stimulated by activator bound to sites far from the promoter. Cell 45, 785–792 ...
It also should be helpful in epidemiology and for the development of new vaccines. In 2011, an outbreak due to E. coli O104:H4 caused about 4000 cases with more than 40 deaths. The causative agent was quickly identified, and its genome sequenced. The incriminated food, however, was more...
6]. Through WGD events, tandem repeats, transposable element-mediated repeats, and retrotransposon duplications, genomes can increase in size and gene number. This results in the generation of structurally and functionally similar gene copies and formation of gene...
Figure 1.1.Genome assembly steps. (A) These two 15bp genomic sequences (long rectangles) fromEscherichia colieach generate three 8bp reads (short rectangles). The reads can be further decomposed into a larger number of 4bpkmers (ovals). The longest subsequence shared between the two large seq...
Methanomassiliicoccales are a recently identified order of methanogens that are diverse across global environments particularly the gastrointestinal tracts of animals; however, their metabolic capacities are defined via a limited number of cultured strai
make it difficult to use typical model organisms such asEscherichia coliorS. cerevisiaefor protein production. Therefore, experimentally verified functional protein annotations lag far behind the amount of sequencing data [42]. However, recent advances in protein structure prediction provide an improved ba...
locustag ECPOOp \ --increment 10 --gffver 2 --centre CDC --compliant \ --genus Escherichia --species coli --strain POO247 --plasmid pECPOO247 \ --kingdom Bacteria --gcode 11 --usegenus \ --proteins /opt/prokka/db/trusted/Ecocyc-17.6 \ --evalue 1e-9 --rfam \ plasmid-closed....
Additionally, we have verified that our method capitalizes on the database of common reaction network components created for S. aureus, by using these components to generate substantially complete reconstructions of the reaction networks from three other published metabolic models (Escherichia coli, ...
The E. coli entD gene restored the biosynthesis of albicidin in a xabA knockout mutant of X. albilineans strain LS155 [25], demonstrating that xabA (or albXXI) has the same PPTase activity as entD, which is active only on PCP-domains. Preliminary analyses by nuclear magnetic resonance...