Professor Gwendolyn Randolph and Dr. Christoph Benoist (both Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA) with their collaborators in the Immunological Genome Project (ImmGen), and in collaboration with Affymetrix, have developed a powerful data browser to help the research community chart g...
NEXT WEEK we can expect the announcement that the human genome project has largely been completed; and, paradoxical though this may sound, the moment will become a milestone in the slow process of understanding how little DNA matters to human beings. Why should that be?Brown, Andrew...
In subject area: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology The Cancer Genome Project includes DNA sequence for the complete coding exons of 64 commonly mutated cancer genes, genome-wide analysis of the copy number gain and loss, testing for the presence of seven common cancer gene rearrangements...
From the genomes of these 186 bladderE. coliisolates, we constructed a phylogenomic tree based on 1084 single-copy core genes (Fig.3). These genomes belonged to 2 distinct clades and 6 phylogroups. Phylogroup B2 and 1 unknown phylogroup belonged to clade 1, whereas phylogroups G, F, A,...
原文: 作者: runuply 介绍 体内研究对于多器官系统的功能解剖和整个生物体的生理至关重要,而实验室小鼠仍然是研究哺乳动物(尤其是人类)病理生物学的典型动物模型。 通过基因组测序,诱变和基因组编辑,表型分析和生物信息学方面的技术创新,小...
Find a journal Publish with us Track your research Search Cart Home Communications Biology Article Genome analysis of Parmales, the sister group of diatoms, reveals the evolutionary specialization of diatoms from phago-mixotrophs to photoautotrophs...
crisprBase - [R] - Base functions and classes for CRISPR gRNA design for the Bioconductor project crisprBowtie - [R] - A Bioconductor package for on- and off-target alignment of CRISPR guide RNAs with Bowtie. crisprBwa - [R] - A Bioconductor package for on- and off-target alignment of...
With the rapid advancements in spatial transcriptome sequencing, multiple tissue slices are now available, enabling the integration and interpretation of spatial cellular landscapes. Herein, we introduce SpaDo, a tool for multi-slice spatial domain analy
Genome-wide association studies are made possible by progress such as completion of the International Haplotype Map (HapMap) project and the development of high-throughput, high-density genotyping technology. In this approach, nearly all common variations in the genome (i.e., the 10 million ...
R.J.F.L. and T.O.K. conceived the project, designed the experiments, supervised analyses and edited the manuscript. L.O.H. performed the final computational analyses for gene discovery, follow-up analyses and wrote the first draft of the manuscript and edited subsequent versions. U.M.S. ...