Copy number variation (CNV) is increasingly recognized as a source of inter-individual differences in genome sequence and has been proposed as a driving force for genome evolution and phenotypic variation. Many CNVs resulted in different levels of gene expression, which may account for a significant...
Wang, al.PennCNV: An integrated hidden Markov model designed for high-resolution copy number variation detection in whole-genome SNP genotyping data.Genome Res.17, 1665–1674 (2007). ArticleCASPubMedPubMed CentralGoogle Scholar Marioni, J. al.Breaking the waves: Improved detection ...
Copy number variations (CNVs) are defined as deletions, insertions, and duplications ranging from 50 base pairs (bp) to 5 million base pairs (Mbp) of genomic sequence between two individuals of a species1,2,3,4. Previous studies suggest CNV have potentially larger effects than other variation ...
Copy number variations (CNVs) are gains and losses of genomic sequence greater than 50 bp between two individuals of a species. While single nucle
Copy number variation (CNV) is increasingly recognized as a source of inter-individual differences in genome sequence and has been proposed as a driving force for genome evolution and phenotypic variation. Many CNVs resulted in different levels of gene expression, which may account for a significant...
Copy number variation (CNV) is important and widespread in the genome, and is a major cause of disease and phenotypic diversity. Herein, we performed a genome-wide CNV analysis in 12 diversified chicken genomes based on whole genome sequencing. A total o
Genome copy number variation|基因组拷贝数变异 基本信息更多信息 中文名称:基因组拷贝数变异 中文同义词:基因组拷贝数变异 英文名称:Genome copy number variation 英文同义词:Genome copy number variation CAS号: 分子式: 分子量:0 EINECS号: 信息错误报告 ...
(Fig.1). X-CNV incorporates the most comprehensive CNV data and annotations by integrating diverse publicly available genetic variant repositories. To boost prediction power, informative features such as genomics, genome region, variation types, and population genetics were incorporated. More importantly,...
Copy number variation (CNV) is an important source of genetic variability associated with phenotypic variation and disease susceptibility. Comprehensive genome-wide CNV maps provide valuable information for genetic and functional studies. To identify CNV in Japanese Black cattle, we performed a genome-wid...
Recent studies have shown that copy number variation (CNV) in mammalian genomes contributes to phenotypic diversity, including health and disease status. In domestic pigs, CNV has been catalogued by several reports, but the extent of CNV and the phenotyp