Genome Biology is a leading open access journal in biology and biomedicine research, with 10.1 Impact Factor and 21 days to first decision. As the ...
Genome Biology | Article collections | Special Issue for Chinese Swine Industry SymposiumBioMed CentralGenome Biology
Microbiome Biology Special Issue “Microbiome Biology 特刊正式发行” Genome Medicine和BMC Biology共同推出的微生物组生物学的特刊已经正式发行了!本特刊的客座编辑为来自美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校的Rob Knight 教授、宾夕法尼亚大学的Elizabeth Grice 博士、德国蒂宾根大学发育生物学的Ruth Ley博士和来自比利时鲁汶大学的J...
In biology, false positives are often perceived as more dramatic than false negatives [77–79]; this is often attributable to the fact that it is undesirable to invest in expensive experimental follow-up of false positives, whereas in high-throughput settings, a few true positives outweigh the ...
Protein interaction studies at large scale, high throughput and with a global perspective have therefore developed into a key discipline in proteomics leveraged into systems biology, thereby providing insights into another level of genome complexity and regulation. Targets and biomarkers — Deeper proteome...
Single nucleotide variants (SNVs) contribute to human genomic diversity. Synonymous SNVs are previously considered to be “silent,” but mounting evidence has revealed that these variants can cause RNA and protein changes and are implicated in over 85 hu
Volume 17Issue 3 March 2025 Editors-in-Chief Laura A. Katz Maud Tenaillon Editorial Office Nikki Parsons Editorial Board Now Recruiting: Social Media Editor! We’re seeking a dynamic and creative Social Media Editor to represent SMBE and its journals,Genome Biology and EvolutionandMolecular Biology...
BMC Plant Biology (2024) Sex-specific responses of Taxus mairei to UV-B radiation involved altering the interactions between the microbiota assembly and host secondary metabolism Hongshan Zhang Kailin Hou Chenjia Shen Microbiome (2024) A chromosome-level genome assembly of a model conifer plant, ...
Special issue Targeting cancer evolution in the clinic Guest editors: Razelle Kurzrock and Alberto Bardelli Seeall article collections How was your experience today? The value of this radio input is:Awful The value of this radio input is:Bad ...
Unclassified [#IABV2_LABEL_PURPOSES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_FEATURES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_PARTNERS#] Searchfor Articles: All JournalsAcousticsActa Microbiologica Hellenica (AMH)ActuatorsAdhesivesAdministrative SciencesAdolescentsAdvances in Respiratory Medicine (ARM)AerobiologyAerospaceAgricultureAgriEngineeringAgrochemicalsAg...