One particular case that has been studied recently is the Rwandan Genocide that occurred in 1994. The Rwandan Genocide remains one of the fastest and most brutal cases of genocide in modern history (Temitope and Danjibo 2013). In the years leading up to the genocide there was a civil war ...
What followed was easily the most horrendous reprisal and barbaric settler colonial genocide in modern history. Western-led international judicial institutions, previously used to deliberating on African, Asian or “lesser” countries’ atrocities between tribes or warring factions, reluctantl...
Recurring Themes in History: Societal Migration, Evolution, Aggression & Industrialization 8:16 Physical Anthropology | Definition, Branches & Examples 5:21 Cultural Anthropology | Definition, Topics & Examples 5:46 Linguistic Anthropology | Overview, Importance & Examples 6:02 Overview of Archaeol...
Genocide is a modern term. Coined in 1944 by Polish scholar ofInternational LawRaphael Lemkin, the word is a combination of the Greekgenos(race) with the Latincide(killing). In his book,Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, Lemkin offered the definition of "a coordinated plan of different actions ai...
South African lawyer Adila Hassim delivered a detailed argument over Israel's "genocidal intent," saying that "For the past 96 days, Israel has subjected Gaza to what has been described as one of the heaviest conventional bombing campaigns in the history of modern warfare." ...
Oxford Handbooks in History(共33册), 这套丛书还有 《The Oxford Handbook of Postwar European History》《The Oxford Handbook of Medieval Christianity》《The Oxford Handbook of the History of Communism》《The Oxford Handbook of Modern African History》《The Oxford Handbook of Latin American History》 ...
Armenian Genocide - Ottoman Empire, 1915, Ethnic Cleansing: The battle of Sarikamis in 1915 was the worst Ottoman defeat of the war. The Young Turk government blamed Armenian treachery. Disarmed Armenian soldiers were murdered by Ottoman troops, the firs
Crime against humanity, an offense in international criminal law, adopted in the Charter of the International Military Tribunal (Nürnberg Charter), which tried surviving Nazi leaders in 1945, and was, in 1998, incorporated into the Rome Statute of the I
In 1908, a new government came to power in Turkey. A group of reformers who called themselves the “Young Turks” overthrew Sultan Abdul Hamid and established a more modern constitutional government. At first, the Armenians were hopeful that they would have an equal place in this new state,...
“Any military operations in Rafah – with its limited space and crowdedness with over 1.5 million Palestinians displaced by the Israeli army – would lead to brutal massacres unprecedented in modern history,” Mustafa Barghouti from the Palestinian National Initiative party said. ...