Gen-LaneNet是一个用于车道线检测的深度学习模型。它是基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的一种架构,旨在识别和预测道路上的车道线。通俗来讲,Gen-LaneNet可以帮助自动驾驶汽车或辅助驾驶系统识别道路上的车道线,从而更好地理解车辆所处的位置和道路的结构。 这个模型的工作原理是通过对道路图像进行分析和处理,从中提取出车道线的...
3D车道线检测:Gen-LaneNet Gen-LaneNet: A Generalized and Scalable Approach for 3D Lane Detection 论文链接 摘要 提出了一种广义的、可扩展的方法,称为Gen-LaneNet,用于从单个图像中检测3D车道。该方法受到最新最先进的3D LaneNet的启发,是一个统一的框架,可在单个网络中解决图像编码、...
这些限制阻碍了 3D-LaneNet 在实际应用中的可扩展性。 3. Gen-LaneNet 受3D-LaneNet [6] 的成功及其在第 2 节中讨论的缺点的启发,我们提出了 Gen-LaneNet,这是一个用于 3D 车道检测的通用且可扩展的框架。相比 3D-LaneNet,Gen-LaneNet 仍然是一个统一的框架,在单个网络中解决了图像编码、特征的空间变换和 3...
该文是百度Apollo研究院今年3月刚刚出炉的一篇文章,针对3D-LaneNet做了一些改进,能够直接输出车道线的3D坐标。文章在Apollo Synthetic的3D车道线检测数据集上进行实验,能够取得比前作3D-LaneNet更好的效果 论文链接 Gen-LaneNet: A Generalized and Scalable Approach for 3D Lane
Compared to 3D-LaneNet, the proposed Gen-LaneNet drastically reduces the amount of 3D lane labels required to achieve a robust solution in real-world application. Moreover, we release a new synthetic dataset and its construction strategy to encourage the development and evaluation of 3D lane ...
python Specifically, this code predict 3D lane from an image given known camera height and pitch angle. Pretrained models for the segmentation subnetwork and the 3D geometry subnetwork are loaded. Meanwhile, anchor normalization parameters wrt. the training set are also ...
Robust 3D lane detection is the key to advanced autonomous driving technologies. However, complex traffic scenes such as bad weather and variable terrain are the main factors affecting the robustness of lane detection algorithms. In this paper, a general
Gen-LaneNet: A Generalized and Scalable Approach for 3D Lane Detection 论文链接: 摘要 提出了一种广义的、可扩展的方法,称为Gen-LaneNet,用于从单个图像中检测3D车道。该方法受到最新最先进的3D LaneNet的启发,是一个统一的框架,可在单个网络中解决图像编码、特征空间变换和3D...