Genji's voice actor is Gaku Space, speaking English and Japanese. Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states. Please move quotes that do exist in
Overwatch League Gray Weapons:#1#2 Street Runner Weapons:#1#2#3 Polar Weapons:#1#2#3 Battle Pass Junker Weapons:#1#2#3 Legendary 1000 Sparrow Weapons:#1#2#3 Young Genji Weapons:#1#2#3 Bedouin Weapons:#1#2#3
Genji is a character from the Video Game Overwatch. Due to being indexed as a In Armor character type, they do not have visual traits assigned. TraitAppearsOfficial 性别 男性 眼睛的颜色 Not Visible 头发颜色 Not Visible 头发长度 Hair Up / Indeterminate Apparent Age 成人 猫耳 No ...