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SignUpGenius is an online sign up software to simplify volunteer management and event planning. Customize online sign up sheets and schedules for schools, nonprofits, business events and more.
サインアップ URL data.signupurl string サインアップ URL アドレス。 開始日 data.startdate integer 開始日。 開始日文字列 data.startdatestring string 開始日文字列。 開始時刻 data.starttime integer 開始時刻。 縮小版 data.thumbnail string サムネイル。 タイトル data.title string タイトル。
You’ll pass your unique, private key to our API, and we’ll send you back data in a JSON format. To get your key, you will need to first log in to your SignUpGenius account and go to the “Tools” section to enable the API functionality. Once you do that, you’ll be presented...
Get sign up filled slots Retrieves a report of the slots that are filled for a sign up. Get sign up not filled slots Retrieves a report of the slots that are empty (not filled) for a sign up. Get sign up report Retrieves a report of a sign up details. Get sign ups signed ...
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Integrate SignUpGenius and QuickBooks Online in a few minutes. Quickly connect SignUpGenius and QuickBooks Online with over 7,000 apps on Zapier, the world’s largest automation platform.
Integrate SignUpGenius and ClickUp in a few minutes. Quickly connect SignUpGenius and ClickUp with over 7,000 apps on Zapier, the world’s largest automation platform.
Unsure which solution is best for your company? Find out which tool is better with a detailed comparison of SignUpGenius & Sumac. Use an easy side-by-side layout to quickly compare their features, pricing and integrations.
SignUpGenius is the most popular online sign up service to organize group events. Sign up for events, message group participants and view event statistics from…