Genie was originally a slave imprisoned within his lamp, which, itself, was sealed away in the Cave of Wonders for 10,000 years. Though he possesses "phenomenal cosmic powers", he is bound to an "itty bitty living space" and can only use his powers when the owner of the lamp (his ...
Last week, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone said the media mogul was engaged in a vain attempt to "put the genie back in the bottle" . 上周,Twitter创办人之一BizStone称,这位传媒巨头是在反其道而行之,这种行为无异于把放出来的精灵重新放回神灯中一样毫无意义。 属类:英汉句库
Genie|ˈjēnē| (noun): a spirit of Arabian folklore, as traditionally depicted imprisoned within a bottle or oil lamp, and capable of granting wishes when summoned. Demo Tests Genie Workshop- Terrific way to learn how to use genie right in your browser. ...
WikiMatrix Sales of the Game Genie initially stopped in the U.S., but not in Canada. Las ventas de la Game Genie en Estados Unidos se detuvieron pero no así en Canadá o Europa. WikiMatrix The Game Genie is covered by US Patent #5112051, "Interfacing device for a computer games...
The lawsuit is trying to put thegenieback in the bottle. Oracle的这次诉讼正在试图将精灵放回瓶中。 属类:英汉句库 It is difficult to imagine how thegenieof liberalisation can be stuffed back into its lamp. 很难想象怎样才能把金融自由化的灯神再塞回到它的神灯里面去。
WikiMatrix “Oh the moon comes like ageniefromtheNegrolamp ofnight, and the tunnel of my seeing is her roadway. LaLuna aparece como ungenioque emanade la lámparanegrade lanoche, yeltúnel de mi mirada es su camino de paso. Literature ...
In a day and age when mass transportation has made travel to anywhere on Earth not just possible, but attainable, imagination has to fill in the spaces for when travel meant not just adventure and opportunity, but also danger. Most people never left the villages and towns where they were bo...
In Denmark, vanilla existed for a large part of my life in one of only two available forms – as Madagascar Bourbon vanilla beans, sold in glass lab tubes two at a time and as a proprietary brand of vanilla sugar in distinctive packaging, the same brand that sold the vanilla beans in ...
You for the action of the wish you can provide either a string (URL) or an object with a destination property (URL). If the action is an object this gives you a few options: openNewTab - If truthy, this will open the URL using '_blank'. Otherwise opens in the current window. Tha...
Versiones posteriores del Game Genie tenían la capacidad de ocultar las modificaciones a las rutinas de chequeo. WikiMatrix Sales of the Game Genie initially stopped in the U.S., but not in Canada. Las ventas de la Game Genie en Estados Unidos se detuvieron pero no así en Canadá o...