GeneXpert (Cepheid) is the only WHO prequalified platform for hepatitis C virus (HCV) nucleic acid amplification testing that is suitable for point‐of‐care use in resource‐limited contexts. However, its application is constrained by the lack of evidence on genotype 6 (GT6) HCV. We evaluated...
Cepheid's GeneXpert system with touchscreen combines speed, accuracy, simplicity, and an intuitive user interface to deliver PCR results anywhere testing is needed. Clinical and Operational Impact Consistent high qualitycare and efficient operations through simple workflows, scalable design, and broad tes...
赛沛全自动核酸检测系统, Cepheid® GeneXpert® Infinity System 全自动医用PCR分析系统(Infinity-80... 在线客服 参数指标 我要提交参数指标我要纠错 Dimensions 274 c mL x89 cm W x200 cm H Weight 2,100 pounds = 954.5 kg Throughput >2,000 test per day ...
1、马林马林 Feb 2016真正的开始真正的开始2 Cepheid Proprietary and Confidential重新定义分子诊断重新定义分子诊断The GeneXpertFamily of SystemsGeneXpert ModuleGeneXpert CartridgeSmartCyclerSmartCyclerTube SystemICOREModuleAnyAny TestAnyAny TimeAnyAny SampleAnyAny Place3 Cepheid Proprietary and Confidential分分子...
Cepheid’s broad test portfolio spans respiratory infections, blood virology, women’s and sexual health, TB and emerging infectious diseases, healthcare-associated infectious diseases, oncology and human genetics. The company’s solutions deliver actionable results where they are needed most – from ...
由于新鲜获取的痰液可以快速送检,中途发生污染或是传染的可能性也大大缩小,使得检测的准确性、生物安全性都有所提升。其实基于相同的原理,制造商Cepheid Inc公司也推出了新冠病毒检测的一套试剂盒。 该检测方法,核心原理仍然是PCR,完美地发挥了PCR迅速、便捷的优点,但是在设计...
Cepheid and BioGX today announced a collaboration between the two companies to deliver a PCR test for Monkeypox that will run on the GeneXpert system. SUNNYVALE, Calif. and BIRMINGHAM, Ala., June 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Cepheid and BioGX today announced a...
GeneXpertSystem ©Cepheid–ProprietaryandConfidential Smart Cycler a6 SmartCyclerII a7 SmartCycler反应管 25l •不会损坏! a8 最优化的设计: •快速温度响应 •最佳的荧光信号 •预防污染 一次性反应管 LargeSurface TemperatureAreawith thinwallenclosure Sealablepressurecap ...
GeneXpert MTB/RIF检测系统(简称Xpert ) 片抗酸染色镜检、MTB 罗氏固体培养和比例法药 由美国Cepheid公司研发,是目前世界上唯一将样 敏试验。抗酸染色镜检方法的阳性检出率低,而罗 品准备、定量PCR扩增和荧光检测集于一身并自动 进行核酸分析的系统。该系统采用半巢式PCR ,针 DOI :10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1358...