The guidelines and policies of the 1958 Geneva Convention on the Continental Shelf'stand as the principal response under international law to the legal problems posed since World War II by the rapid development of the natural resources of the continental shelf. SomeDean, Arthur H...
1988. "Restricting the flow of asylum-seekers in Belgium, Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, and the Netherlands: New challenges to the Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the European Convention on Human Rights." Va. J. Int'l L. 29:33....
The International Court of Justice held the Hague Convention (IV) of 1907 is among the seminal Geneva and Hague conventions promulgating “fundamental rules [which] are to be observed by all States whether or not they have ratified the conventions that contain them, because they constitute intran...
ILO convention 29 Forced Labour 1930 GenevaArticle 2 1. For the purposes of this Convention the term forced or compulsory labour shall mean all..
"From the Protestant Reformation to the Southern Baptist Convention: What Hath Geneva to Do with Nashville?" The Founders Journal (Fall 2007): 3-22. Accessed February 2, 2017., T. K. (2007, Fall). "From the Protestant ...
By convention, we use lower case k to index the elements g ik of g i , which are subject to the constraints that g ik ⩾0 for every k where the sum over k of g ik is exactly 1.0. We use boldface regular font to denote vectors and matrices, with g i T denoting the K-...
(IASC,2008).Thosepersecutedforcertainlistedgroundsshouldbeprotectedas refugeesaccordingtothe1951ConventionrelatingtotheStatusofRefugeesandits1967 Protocol.Awidergroupofpeople,includingthosefleeinggeneralisedviolenceandevents seriouslydisturbingpublicorder,shouldbeprotectedasrefugeesaccordingtothe1969African UnionConvention...
It is the purpose of this study to consider some of the funda-mental principles, major innovations, and deficiencies of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War of 12 August 1949.'It is concerned particularly with the rights andAlbert J. Esgain...
J.A.C.Gutteridge.The 1958 Geneva Convention on the Continental Shelf.British Yearbook of International Law. 1959Gutteridge, The 1958 Geneva Convention on the Continental Shelf, [ 1959] B. Y. B. I.L. 102.J.A.C.Gutteridge.The 1958 Geneva Convention on the Continental Shelf. British Year...
This paper examines a subject neglected by historians, and considers how political and professional factors combined to frustrate and delay the early ratification of the Geneva Convention by the United States. As we shall see, our knowledge of these circumstances is far from complete, and will ...