Finally, the West Bengal population had admixture from an East Asian group between 500 and 600 AD. This is the same date as for the Bangladeshis, meaning they are both the same population with the same origin. The major difference seems likely to be the proportion of East Asian ancestry an...
Cashew is considered native of tropical America, not-withstanding the uncertainty in defining its natural distribu-tion, due to its long association with man. It was suggested that it originated in the restinga, meaning the low vegetation found in the sandy soil along the coast of Eastern and...
Attempts to convey the meaning of genetic "risk" carry the hazard of distorted parental care when risk is misunderstood to mean destiny. Probabilistic estimates are sophisticated concepts, not easy for most lay persons to understand, especially when lan- guage like "the gene for diabetes" is ...
Another revealing and independent evidence of pīlu’s connection with the meaning of tooth comes from the widespread Indic phytonym of Salvadora persica, known in the western world as ‘toothbrush tree’, and in Arabic countries as ‘miswak’ tree; ‘miswak’ meaning ‘tooth-cleaning-stick’ (...