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MeiraGTx, a clinical-stage genetic medicine company with a global footprint, is focused on developing potentially curative treatments for patients living with serious diseases
Direct-to-consumer genetic testing (DTC-GT) has become a convenient method to help people to understand their genetic makeup. Owing in part to concerns regarding confidentiality, privacy, and secondary use of data, professional and government bodies crea
Today, medical science is at another such threshold with the advent of individualized medicine. Driven by advances in genomics, emerging insight into each individual's unique susceptibility to disease promises to transform patient care. However, such advances will also compel a fundamental restructuring...
The importance of genetic medicine is growing along with the development of genome science. Especially for hereditary cancer syndromes, genetic counseling and genetic tests are becoming an essential part of the medical service for those diseases. However, in Japan, there is a shortage of clinical ...
Studies in recent years have provided a number of new insights, many of them gleaned from application of the tools of the "genetic revolution". In this article, we will review aspects of GPCR in clinical medicine with an emphasis on recent developments and insights in 3 areas: (1) ...
Together, Invitae (“in-VEE-tay”) and Labcorp make it easier to access genetic data, uncover personal health insights and deliver the right care for each patient's needs. Make genetic testing part of your routine healthcare Providers
A New Chapter in Genetic Medicine: RNA Editing and its Role in Disease Pathogenesis The transfer of genomic information from DNA to mRNA to protein usually occurs with high fidelity, but can also be subverted by a programmed RNA sequence alteration termed 'RNA editing', involving deamination of ...
Journal of Genetic Medicine and Gene Therapy assures to make publication of your research work an effective and simple process. In order to guide the Read More Grievances Policy Journal of Genetic Medicine and Gene Therapy Grievances policy clearly states that the contribution of every author in sho...
“It is exciting to be part of the passionate Interius team developing breakthrough in vivo cell & gene therapy products to address unmet medical needs and improving accessibility.” BABU MEDI SENIOR DIRECTOR OF DRUG PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT News ...