When contemplating pregnancy, either parent affected with an autosomal dominant disorder. Aetna considers appropriate genetic counseling unrelated to pregnancy medically necessary for consideration of, or provided in conjunction with, medically necessary genetic testing, and in accordance with the guidelines of...
Carrier screening of female reproductive partner planning a pregnancy and has family history of SBMA; or Prenatal testing in the offspring of the biological parent with confirmed AR CAG trinucleotide repeat mutation. Aetna considers genetic testing for SBMA experimental, investigational, or unproven for ...
To determine whether sequence variants with a strong deficit of homozygosity resulted from losses early or late in pregnancy, we examined the reproductive history of heterozygous carrier couples, looking for an excess of miscarriages or early death among their offspring. Also, we assessed the effects...
To capture the distribution of disease prevalence across age and sex, we computed disease prevalence curves by dividing the total number of disease codes (ICD codes) within each age-sex stratum by the number of enrolled patients matching these demographics (see Methods part 1 for the precise defi...
There was no statistically significant difference in mean trabecula- tion (regardless of LVEDV) with obstetric history, although the hyper- trabeculation observed during pregnancy is expected to be reversible7. Moderate or high alcohol intake (comparing the top 10% with the bottom 10% of alcohol ...
Genetic counseling is considered an essential part of the management of patients and families in which a genetic disorder has been diagnosed or who are at risk for such a disease. It provides patients the necessary information about the disease and their genetic profile. Also, it calculates the ...
On the other hand, the inci- dence and prevalence of CAD are high in a first world popula- tion, and therefore, it is not uncommon for a DCM gene carrier to also have CAD, confounding family history assessments. Because of the age dependency of CAD, we treat any unex- pected death ...