This is the source data that can be manipulated programatically to extract your regions of interest. Future GENESPACE releases will have auxilary functions that let the user access the pan-genome by rules (e.g. contains these genes, in these regions etc.). For now, we’ll leave this work ...
This is the source data that can be manipulated programatically to extract your regions of interest. Future GENESPACE releases will have auxilary functions that let the user access the pan-genome by rules (e.g. contains these genes, in these regions etc.). For now, we’ll leave this work ...
gpar<-init_genespace(genomeIDs = gids,speciesIDs = gids,versionIDs = gids,ploidy = rep(1,3),wd = runwd,gffString = "gff",pepString = "pep",path2orthofinder = "orthofinder",path2mcscanx = "/home/myan/scratch/apps/mingyan/Biotools/MCScanX",path2diamond = "diamond",diamondMode = "fa...
安装GENESPAE # 启动R radiandevtools::install_github("jtlovell/GENESPACE",upgrade=F) 运行示例数据 library(GENESPACE)runwd<-file.path("./testGenespace/")make_exampleDataDir(writeDir=runwd)## 这一步会下载示例数据gids<-c("human","chimp","rhesus")gpar<-init_genespace(genomeIDs=gids,speciesID...