获得金偶像。 Oracle:If you're going to solve the forest puzzle, you'll need a couple friends to help. 去教堂后面森林找克洛伊和汉娜。 Oracle:Is there a stone you can move near the forest puzzle? 先去东边四个石头中间获得Church Key,再把东边的小石头推过来,压在一个上面,获得CG102。获得King ...
brawlers of the era, players must perform punch, kick and jump attacks within each panel to proceed, or solve a simple puzzle if they ever hope to move outside the frame. Special moves and inventory items are an additional bonus, along with Roadkill’s innate ability to discover hidden ...
DARKSIDERS: GENESIS is an action/adventure game that tears its way through hordes of demons, angels, and everything in-between on its way to Hell and back with guns blazing and swords swinging. Genesis gives players their first look at the world of DARKSIDERS before the events of the origina...
First of all, all of the objects from the Phernalia Registry need to be placed and I would recommend Entering before doing this. -=Step Two=- Place your copy of the Sburb Disk into the Punch Designix, and then punch it. Do be aware, doing this renders it unusable for the time bein...
“You have to destroy the head in order to kill him.” “Now, I understand why the food processors are unable to feed us,” answers Commander Pike. “All of it’s production are being used to sustain this out of control growth.” “Here is the teleport platform located under that ...
each of the characters has 20 levels to play through in order to earn their freedom. The characters have their own abilities, and their levels are designed around what they can and can’t do. Abs-Gorilla can climb certain walls, for example. Abs-...
创世秩序(The Genesis Order)v.81071 游戏笔记兔子玩单机编辑于 2023年07月15日 01:09 游戏解密环节比较费劲,记录下游戏过程,以快速通关游戏。 游戏有Oracle of the seraph指引,且游戏过程中有大量对话,只需点下一步就行,因此只记录关键点。 游戏内容比较多,前期以Oracle of the seraph为主。受限于编辑工具,...
The Genesis Order 一、关于Oracle of the seraph 第1天 星期五 开局动画,获得CG1。 去Eve Cathedral,获得CG2。获得Oracle of the seraph. Oracle:Go to the home on the map. Someone is waiting for you there. 去Home。去Dick's Grill里面,与西南角的蓝衣人对话,选择Blue,再去Channel 4获得$500,智力+...
创世秩序(The Genesis Order)v.81071 游戏笔记兔子玩单机编辑于 2023年07月15日 01:09 游戏解密环节比较费劲,记录下游戏过程,以快速通关游戏。 游戏有Oracle of the seraph指引,且游戏过程中有大量对话,只需点下一步就行,因此只记录关键点。 游戏内容比较多,前期以Oracle of the seraph为主。受限于编辑工具,...