Kids Definition genesis 1 of 2 noun gen·e·sis ˈjen-ə-səs plural geneses -ə-ˌsēz : the origin or coming into being of something Genesis 2 of 2 : the mainly narrative first book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scriptures see bible Medical Definition ...
Define genesis. genesis synonyms, genesis pronunciation, genesis translation, English dictionary definition of genesis. n. pl. gen·e·ses 1. The coming into being of something; the origin. See Synonyms at beginning. 2. Genesis See Table at Bible. Americ
Medical Definition androgenesis noun an·dro·gen·e·sis ˌan-drə-ˈjen-ə-səs plural androgeneses -ˌsēz : development in which the embryo contains only paternal chromosomes due to failure of the egg nucleus to participate in fertilization compare gynogenesis...
Looking for online definition of hypergenesis in the Medical Dictionary? hypergenesis explanation free. What is hypergenesis? Meaning of hypergenesis medical term. What does hypergenesis mean?
Thus, the term “virus” (latin for poison) was coined to describe these filterable toxins. However, viruses were soon shown to differ from poisons and toxins, which can be diluted when serially passaged from one host to another, whereas viruses multiply. Indeed, this capacity of viruses to...
Hybrid medicines are defined as medicines that do not fill generic medicines' definition, forming a medicines group that stands half-way between reference medicinal products and generic medicines. The term "hybrid" was introduced in France in 2018, but the concept has existed for some fifteen years...
Use of medical subject heading (MeSH) terms (such as “Epilepsy”[Majr] AND “Biomarkers”[Majr]) had low sensitivity and retrieved few articles (149 articles). Similarly, unsatisfactory results were obtained when using the generic search “epileptogenesis” AND “biomarker” or “Biomarkers”[...
A physician who causes an iatrogenic disease must, by definition, have displayed adequate competence and knowledge and acted in accordance with the conventional medical wisdom. On the other hand, the dividing line between iatrogenesis and bad medical practice is not sharp. For instance, let us ...
Looking for online definition of acrometagenesis in the Medical Dictionary? acrometagenesis explanation free. What is acrometagenesis? Meaning of acrometagenesis medical term. What does acrometagenesis mean?
Medical Definition gynogenesis noun gy·no·gen·e·sis -ˈjen-ə-səs plural gynogeneses -ˌsēz : development in which the embryo contains only maternal chromosomes due to activation of an egg by a sperm that degenerates without fusing with the egg nucleus ...