ther·ma·co·gen·e·sis (ther'mă-kō-jen'ĕ-sis), The elevation of body temperature by drug action. [G.thermē,heat, +pharmakon,drug, +genesis,production] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 ther·ma·co·gen·e·sis ...
(with no manual labeling), self-taught (learned by self-supervision), and generic (served as source models for generating application-specific target models). We envision that Models Genesis may serve as a primary source of transfer learning for 3D medical imaging applications, in particular, ...
J.-C. Bolomey, "Crossed Viewpoints on Microwave- Based Imaging for Medical Diagnosis: From Genesis to Earliest Clinical Outcomes," in The World of Applied Electromagnetics, A. Lakhtakia and C. M. Furse, Eds., Cham, Switzerland: Springer Interna- tional Publishing, 2018, pp. 369-414....
MRI was performed as reported previously8, and fresh brain tissue was collected from mutant mice at four MRI-defined stages: the ‘preneoplastic’ stage, at which the brain imaging shows no signs of neoplastic lesion development; the ‘early-lesion’ stage, characterized by small abnormalities see...
Iatrogenesis is defined as any injury or illness that occurs as a result of medical care (Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 2013). An iatrogenic condition is a state of ill health or adverse effect caused by medical treatment; it usually results from a mistake made in diagnosis or tr...
group | MIDSCI | MiTeGen | MRC-PPU regents | Molecular dimensions | Medicago | moravek | MD Biosciences | maxmed laboratories | medical isotopes | Microspheres-nanosphere | lumiprobe | LifeSensors | List Biological Laboratories | lectinity | LaysanBio | Louisville APL | jena bioscience | Immu...
Six stroke and non-stroke animals in each group were used for the ultrastructure of axon and myelin analysis by EM imaging. All animals were sacrificed 21 days after dMCAo. 4.2. Behavioal Testing The behavioral testing, i.e., with adhesive removal test, was performed at 1, 3, 7, 14,...
medicaltorch: A medical imaging framework for Pytorch albumentations: Fast image augmentation library. Probabilistic/Generative Libraries: ptstat: Probabilistic Programming and Statistical Inference in PyTorch pyro: Deep universal probabilistic programming with Python and PyTorch...
Fig. 2. Epileptogenic process and need of biomarkers for different purposes in basic science, clinical practice, and medical product (including pharmacotherapy) development. Epileptogenesis is initiated by an “epilepsy gene” or various types of acute brain insults or chronic neurodegenerative diseases...
In 1854, the pathologist Rudolf Virchow applied the term “amyloid” in the medical literature to refer to small round deposits in the nervous system presenting the same color reaction of starch. Yet, only in 1959, thanks to A.S. Cohen and E. Calcins, it was discovered the fibrillary ...