However, this interpretation neglects the historical background that the Tower of Babel story was probably written in the time of the Assyrian Empire, during which the city of Babylon was in glory; in contrast, the Assyrian cities lacked...
1.This is the book, &c.] The word rendered “book” (Heb.sêpher) is used of any written document. Our word “book” gives rather too much the meaning of a piece of literature. The word is often used in a much more general sense, e.g.Isaiah 50:1, “where is the bill (Heb.s...
The toxigenic alga Prymnesium parvum has caused significant fish kills in Texas reservoirs and fish hatchery ponds since 2001. Copper sulfate and ammonium sulfate can control P. parvum, but they provide short-term improvement and have undesirable side effects. Copper sulfate also kills desirable ...
JE, as far as Genesis is concerned, must be regarded as compilations of stories which long before their reduction to written form had been current orally among the people. These stories in part were not of Canaanitish-Hebrew origin. They represent Semitic and perhaps other cycles of popular ...
Before the books took shape, shorter literary units had been formed in the course of the centuries; in these units earlier texts of varied origin were brought together for a variety of reasons. Prior to the period when anything was written down, there was oral tradition that preserved both ...
Love interests me. Not just in the romantic sense, but in every sense, because love is the driving emotion behind so much of what we do. It’s the heartbeat of everything. What do we have but love? Yet isn’t it the very essence of our greatest pain?
Chapter 37 - Joseph Sold into Egypt. Jacob settled in the land where his father had sojourned, the land of Canaan. This is the story of the family of
On discussions ofJewish and Christianapocalyptic texts beingwritten at least in part as reactiontoor polemic against the other religious tradition, see for example:Lutz Greisigern“Die Geburt des Ar-milos und die Geburtdes‘Sohnes desVerderbens’Zeugnissse jüdisch-christlicherAuseinanderset-zung...
A striking example is the novel Mar paraguayo by the Brazilian author Wilson Bueno (1992), written in a purely literary portunhol with many Guaraní elements included (as well as a glossary of Guaraní terms). As Néstor Perlongher states in the introduction to the novel, Será que foi ...
Chapter 37 - Joseph Sold into Egypt. Jacob settled in the land where his father had sojourned, the land of Canaan. This is the story of the family of