In Hebrew, the word used is (raqia), which implies something spread out or stretched.3. WatersRefers to the primordial waters that existed before the creation of the expanse. These waters are divided by the expanse into those above and those below. Teaching PointsGod's Sovereignty in ...
In Hebrew the book's title is שְׁמוֹת,shemōt, "Names", from thebeginning words of the text: "These are the names of the sons of Israel" Leviticus: 以下摘自wiki The instructions of Leviticus emphasizeritual, legal and moral practices rather than beliefs. Nevertheless, they...
The Hebrew is Yhi or wayhi or. Light is not itself a substance, but is a condition or state of matter; and this primaeval light was probably electric, arising from the condensation and friction of the elements as they began to arrange themselves in order. And this, again, was due to ...
Greek translators used the word as the title of the biblical book, rendering Hebrewbereshith, literally "in the beginning," which was the first word of the text, taken as its title. The extended sense of "origin, creation" is recorded in English by c. 1600. ...
First recorded before 1100; fromLatin:literally “generation, creation,” fromGreekGénesis,the Greek rendering ofHebrewbĕrēʾshith,the first word of the Biblical book, traditionally translated “in the beginning”;genesis ( def ) Advertisement ...
Resources Hebrew/Greek Your ContentGenesis 30-31New International Version 30 When Rachel saw that she was not bearing Jacob any children, she became jealous of her sister. So she said to Jacob, “Give me children, or I’ll die!” 2 Jacob became angry with her and said, “Am I in the...
tells us, “Leah had weak eyes, but Rachel was lovely in form and beautiful.” In Hebrew, that’s a polite way of saying Leah was ugly. Likely that is not news to her. She is fully aware of how people perceive her, and to add insult to injury, her little sister, Rachel, is abs...
Genesis 3:20This name in Hebrew means “all human beings.” Genesis 3:20This name sounds similar to the Hebrew word for “living,” which is rendered in this context as “human beings.” Genesis 3:22knowledge of what is good and what is bad; or knowledge of everything. ...
Genesis From Hebrew141 布道 Oct 6, 2009 - Nov 23, 2014 跟随 分享 RSS 最近的 播放音频播放视频141 布道 按最新排序 添加筛选器 Genesis 140 The Final Peace Treaty51:10 Dr. James M. Phillips • 5/26/13 周日- 下午Genesis # 139 Jacob Dies & the Battle Begins 1:11:49 Dr. James M...
Cleverly, Joseph spoke to his brothers through an interpreter though he could speak both Egyptian and Hebrew. Not thinking that the Egyptians could understand them the brothers publicly spoke in Hebrew about the past. Joseph was overwhelmed with emotion. He’s in a position where he could lynch...