Cardiology EMR Software Chiropractic EHR Software Chiropractic Medical Billing Software Community Health Systems EHR Dental EMR Software Dental Medical Billing Software Dermatology EMR Systems eMAR Software EMR Software EMR Software for Small Practices Family Practice EHR Software Gastroenterology...
地方药监局产品注册信息 医疗器械临床试验 中国器械临床试验备案 中国人类遗传资源行政许可 中国医疗器械免临床目录 中国器械创新和优先审批 中国器械注册批件发布 中国医疗器械分类目录 中国医疗器械注册审评报告 中国医疗器械注册研发要点 中国CMA检测资质 中国医疗器械注册核查 ...
and secured with dental acrylate (Duracryl Plus, Spofa Dental, Czech Republic). After operation, mice were connected to a digital acquisition system (TWin Clinical Software for EEG, Grass Technologies) and EEG activity of freely behaving animals was monitored for 18 days in an isolated room. ...
The electrodes were connected to a miniature receptacle, which was attached to the skull with dental cement. After 5 hours of recovery, FS was induced and the hippocampal EEG was recorded for 5 min before and throughout the hyperthermia exposure by a digital amplifier (NuAmps, Neuroscan ...
Analysis of the aortic intimal and medial thickness was carried out using the Zeiss Axiovision imaging system and software to measure the width of the tunica intima and the tunica media. Four random images of each sample were taken and 5 random measures were taken for both the tunica intima an...
Analysis was performed with ImageJ software (Rawak Software Inc., Stuttgart, GER), the Gaussian Blur of each image was set to 1 and all contrasted photos were set to the same threshold (default), then the average intensity of IBA1 and GFAP was calculated in the same regions of each ...
Matsumoto Dental University, 1780 Hiro-oka Gobara, Shiojiri, Nagano 399-0781, Japan, 3Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, The Jikei University School of Medicine, 3-25-8 Nishishinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8641, Japan, 4Institute for Oral Science, Matsumoto Dental University, 1780 Hiro-oka Go...
The final positioning of the electrodes was determined by the maximal amplitude and shape of the recorded population spikes when stimulating the perforant pathway during surgery. Electrodes and the MD guide cannula were fixated with dental acrylic cement and a small cap with a pedestal was formed. ...