The Genesis Children: Directed by Anthony Aikman. With Vincent Child, Greg Hill, Peter Glawson, David Johnson. A group of teen boys go to Rome in this controversial art film.
Full disclosure: I haven’t enjoyed a “Children of the Corn” movie since 1995. That’s the year director James D.R. Hickox’s “Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest” first hit home video, a film that I feel is severely –and unfairly — ignored by most people. After that much...
(inMoonwalkernonetheless). Whereas the arcade incarnation of the title focused on beat-em-up mechanics, the home console version was a bit more of a platformer, revolving around Jackson’s dance-fueled journey to save a group of kidnapped children from the clutches of one Mr. Big. Each of ...
” which I was very keen to have on the album. A lot of people liked it. One of Mike’s children thought it was fantastic, and yet, Mike came back and said he didn’t want it on the album. Phil also didn’t want it. Being a democracy, we didn’...
The Genesis Children: Dirigido por Anthony Aikman. Con Vincent Child, Greg Hill, Peter Glawson, David Johnson. Un grupo de adolescentes viaja a Roma en esta controvertida película de arte y ensayo.
The Genesis Children: Regia di Anthony Aikman. Con Vincent Child, Greg Hill, Peter Glawson, David Johnson. Un gruppo di adolescenti si reca a Roma per realizzare un controverso film in stile artistico.
The Genesis Children: Regia di Anthony Aikman. Con Vincent Child, Greg Hill, Peter Glawson, David Johnson. Un gruppo di adolescenti si reca a Roma per realizzare un controverso film in stile artistico.
The Genesis Children: Regia di Anthony Aikman. Con Vincent Child, Greg Hill, Peter Glawson, David Johnson. Un gruppo di adolescenti si reca a Roma per realizzare un controverso film in stile artistico.
The Genesis Children: Regia di Anthony Aikman. Con Vincent Child, Greg Hill, Peter Glawson, David Johnson. Un gruppo di adolescenti si reca a Roma per realizzare un controverso film in stile artistico.
The Genesis Children: Regie: Anthony Aikman Mit Vincent Child, Greg Hill, Peter Glawson, David Johnson Eine Gruppe von Teenagern fährt in diesem kontroversen Kunstfilm nach Rom.