There is an uncanny connection between Genesis 1 and 50. The God who created the universe continues to rule over the affairs of His creation. He is not distant from His creation, nor is His creation autonomous and self-sufficient from his Creator. I can plant a healthy tree in my yard, ...
Except for the last chapter, it's mainly what I would call "armchair philosophy", where the authors focus on an undefined future and try to guess what changes and consequences AI will bring。 While most of the questions raised in the book are important, there are few to no ideas on how...
bless his holy name. My soul, bless the Lord and do not forget all his benefits.”It’s important for us to tend to our soul because the level at which we connect with God will determine the depth and health of our spiritual formation. Here are some questions we can ask to get a ...
(3)theologically,aspredetermined by a Divine decree (supralapsarianism). Without offering any separate refutation of these anti-Scriptural theories, it may suffice to say that in all questions affecting man's responsibility, the testimony of the individual consciousness, the ultimate ground of appeal...
who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."...Then, most of the second disk concentrates on explaining all the questions and telling the whole story using monologues. (A friend of the reviewer noted, "It's just like the last 2 TV episodes of EVANGELION!")" http://...
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When we take this book and open it up, we discover that we are moving past all the discoveries of science today, into a realm to which science has not yet come, where we have answers to these questions. It was no less a person than Albert Einstein who put his finger squarely upon ...
Abraham answered, 'God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.' And the two of them went on together." (22:6-9) Abraham answers Isaac's questions with the only answer he can hope for, "God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son." Onyi...
Over the years since that day I have spent quite a lot of time asking God questions and thinking back on that episode. Although I grew up in a nominal Protestant home I had been fully prepared to enter a Catholic convent, if that was indeed what was required to learn more about being ...
Expand What is the Gospel? Download the app: is part of Got Questions Ministries For answers to your Bible questions, please visit