24:6 亞伯拉罕對他說、你要謹慎、不要帶我的兒子回那裡去. 24:7 耶和華天上的主、曾帶領我離開父家和本族的地、對我說話向我起誓、說、我要將這地賜給你的後裔.他必差遣使者在你面前、你就可以從那裡為我兒子娶一個妻子。 24:8 倘若女子不肯跟你來、我使你起的誓就與你無干了、只是不可帶我的兒...
Chapter 24 - Isaac and Rebekah. Abraham was old, having seen many days, and the LORD had blessed him in every way. Abraham said to the senior servant
Read full chapter Genesis 24:12-14 New International Version 12 Then he prayed, “Lord, God of my master Abraham, make me successful today, and show kindness to my master Abraham. 13 See, I am standing beside this spring, and the daughters of the townspeople are coming out to draw wat...
Verse (Click for Chapter) New International VersionWhen Abraham’s servant heard what they said, he bowed down to the ground before the LORD.New Living TranslationWhen Abraham’s servant heard their answer, he bowed down to the ground and worshiped the LORD.English Standard VersionWhen Abraham’...
Verse (Click for Chapter) New International VersionMy master’s wife Sarah has borne him a son in her old age, and he has given him everything he owns.New Living Translation“When Sarah, my master’s wife, was very old, she gave birth to my master’s son, and my master has given ...
创世记Genesis1:1 和合本:起初,神创造天地。 KJV:In the beginning,God created the heaven and the earth. ...
chapter 23 Post-production overview – chapter 25 If you want to get a quick general idea of the Genesis, you might want to read: Introduction - chapters 1-2 Genesis technical overview – chapter 24 Quick reference – chapter 28 1.3 Panavision support Panavision offers support on many levels....
42:24 約瑟轉身退去、哭了一場、又回來對他們說話、就從他們中間挑出西緬來、在他們眼前把他捆綁。 42:25 約瑟吩咐人把糧食裝滿他們的器具、把各人的銀子歸還在各人的口袋裡、又給他們路上用的食物、人就照他的話辦了。 42:26 他們就把糧食馱在驢上、離開那裡去了。 42:27 到了住宿的地方、他們中間...
The chapter deals with the genesis of the European arrest warrant. It is divided into seven sections and is summarised with concluding observations. Section 2.1 presents general knowledge on the European integration and its ‘spill over’ into the area of Criminal law. Following general knowledge, ...
In the beginning, Adam and Eve had a lot of work to do. They had the honest, blue-collar work of tillers of the soil. They could see the fruits of their hands as seeds grew to plants and provided food for sustenance. Maybe at first there were only two or