I would not survive the first round of Bible bee, if it meant quoting chapter and verse or even naming the books of the Bible in order. I can never find the book of Esther, for instance, and Zephaniah and Zechariah tend to blur in my mind.But I know the biblical story, as I ...
tion in order to divert evidentiary challenges. No claim is falsifiable —therefore, none can be true. Also illogical is natural selection (“survival of the f i t t e s t” ) . It is, as Tom Bethell observes, a tautology: the fittest surv i ve , and surv i val is the criterion...
The story begins with the creation of man and woman, the sin committed by Adam and Eve, and their banishment from Paradise
With mere pennies coming in, we were having a hard enough time just paying everyone's salaries. Finally the order came down for us to halt production on Aoki Uru. We were simply incapable of taking the project any further." ” — ...
In order to cure these waters, Moses cut down a tree which the Lord showed him, threw it into the water and the water became sweet (Exod 15:25). In terms of the picture of our lives that this story portrays, you will see that this comes in just the right place. What it is ...
It underscores the belief that God actively participates in the affairs of His people, granting them success against their adversaries. This theme of God delivering enemies is recurrent in the Bible, seen in stories like the Exodus (Exodus 14:30) and David's victories (1 Samuel 17:47). It...
Genesis, the first book of theBible. Its namederivesfrom the opening words: “In the beginning….” Genesis narrates the primeval history of the world (chapters 1–11) and the patriarchal history of theIsraelitepeople (chapters 12–50). The primeval history includes the familiar stories of th...
), the stories in Genesis set the backdrop for vital theological principles in the rest of the Bible. In Genesis, we see that God has authority over the world. We see that humans and other creatures (like the serpent and the Nephilim) are in rebellion against God’s order. We see the...
“When we look at ancient near eastern writings like the Sumerians, there are many stories like that of Samson, who had superhuman strength, so the Bible’s account of a man whose strength relied on the length of his hair is figurative in nature. Samson, while interesting, is hyperbolic ...
241 illustrations, 21 stories including:Heaven Revealed, God Tortures Billions, Satan Thrown to Earth, Armageddon, God Burns Remaning Humans to Death… Print Books The Brick Bible series now has over 250,000 books in print!Order yours directly from the author’s web store to get a keepsake...