Genesis 6:8 tn The Hebrew expression “find favor [in the eyes of]” is an idiom meaning “to be an object of another’s favorable disposition or action,”“to be a recipient of another’s favor, kindness, mercy.” The favor/kindness is often earned, coming in response to an action ...
6.14Meaning of Heb uncertain 6.16Orwindow 7.14Gk: Heb addsevery bird, every winged creature New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition(NRSVUE) New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition. Copyright © 2021 National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permiss...
Many interpreters have noted the Hebrew word in Genesis 6:14 is not the common one for "pitch, (zettet)," butkaphermeaning "to cover." Nowhere else in the Old Testament is it rendered "pitch." Everywhere else it is translated "to make atonement." By covering it inside and out with ...
Philo of Alexandria interpreted Genesis 6:1-4 by means of his chosen method, the allegory. In this way, the passage takes on a significantly different meaning from the literal one, one rather closer to the overall thought of the philosopher. The interpretation conc...
A mysterious group mentioned in Genesis 6:4, often interpreted as giants or fallen ones. The Hebrew root "npl" suggests a meaning related to falling or being cast down.2. Sons of GodThis term is debated among scholars, with interpretations ranging from fallen angels to the godly lineage of...
The word "devise" comes from the Hebrew "zamam," meaning to plan or plot. It suggests intentionality and purpose in human actions. The implication is that human potential is vast, but without divine guidance, it can lead to hubris and rebellion. This serves as a reminder of the need for...
We seek to find meaning in our trials. Sometimes, as in Abraham's case, God explains a bit of the purpose. At other times, we just don't know, but we continue to trust that in this circumstance God will fulfill his word: "And we know that in all things God works for the good ...
Your world suddenly shrinks to only you and what has meaning to you. At such times it seems like you against the world.It is amazing that this story of the patriarch Jacob was not whitewashed as it was retold again and again until it was finally written down in the book of Genesis. ...
Its universality and uniqueness was recognized by a Roman legionary who was so overwhelmed when he reached the river that he said Una, meaning one and only in Latin. Tuff waterfalls on the Una were a decisive and indicatory factor in the 2008 assignation of the upper basin of the Una as...
Genesis 6:16 That is, about 18 inches or about 45 centimeters Genesis 6:16 The meaning of the Hebrew for this clause is uncertain. Genesis 7:20 That is, about 23 feet or about 6.8 meters Genesis 7:20 Or rose more than fifteen cubits, and the mountains were covered New International Ve...