The International Bible Commentary. Maps by International Mapping. Plus 2 entries for 创世记 22 PLUS Save 20% on yearly plans and access $3,100 worth of biblical study resources on the go! Upgrade to Bible Gateway Plus and get the best value in digital Bible study. Start 14-...
Commentary download:GenesisAvalonPatriot22commentary.mp3 Transcript:GenesisAvalonPatriot22transcript.pdf Release Date:January 29, 2025 Run Time:32:59 Long Is His Night Episode Number:21 Jack performs a spell to grant the team a vision of King Arthur’s death and the fall of the first Avalon, Al...
Pulpit CommentaryVerse 1. - And it cams to pass - the alleged mythical character of the present narrative (De Wette, Bohlen) is discredited not more by express Scripture statement (Hebrews 11:17-19) than by its own inherent difficulties - after - how long after may be conjectured from the...
Genesis 22 Commentary Chapter 22 God commands Abraham to offer up Isaac. (1,2) Abraham's faith and obedience to the Divine command. (3-10) Another sacrifice is provided instead of Isaac. (11-14) The covenant with Abraham renewed. (15-19) The family of Nahor. (20-24) Verses 1-...
Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers(22) As one of us.--See Note on Genesis 1:26. By the fall man had sunk morally, but grown mentally. He had asserted his independence, had exercised the right of choosing for himself, and had attained to a knowledge without which his endowment of...
(Cantonese Commentary) 29:07 TETRIS 2021CTWC Hong Kong- Semifinals! (Cantonese Commentary) 30:48 TETRIS 2021CTWC Poland - FINAL! 52:20 Tetris Battle of the Commentators! Kingsman vs. Vandweller 22:11 Tetris Battle - Jaws vs. Uncle Mike! 25:59 Tetris Battle of the Modifiers! Boom Tang...
Matthew Henry's Commentary on Genesis 19:1-22 Commentary on Genesis 19:1-29 (ReadGenesis 19:1-29) Lot was good, but there was not one more of the same character in the city. All the people of Sodom were very wicked and vile. Care was therefore taken for saving Lot and his family...
17a*, 22. f.* (24R?). viii. 1a, 2a, 1b (3b ?), 4f., 13a, 14-19 viii. . . . 6a, 2b, 3a, . . . 6b-12, 13b, . . . 20, 21aαb, 22. viii. 1-3, order of R (3bR ?), 21aβRj. ix. 1-3, 8-17, 28f. ix. 20-27. ix. 18a, 19. ix. 4-7Ps, 10b*...
創世記 22:1-19 Chinese Union Version (Simplified) 22这 些事以後 , 神要试验亚伯拉罕 , 就呼叫他说 : 亚伯拉罕 ! 他说 : 我在这里。 2神 说 : 你带着你的儿子 , 就是你独生的儿子 , 你所爱的以撒 , 往摩利亚地去 , 在我所要指示你的山上 , 把他献为燔祭。