Of the 14 Y-genes, only YkfE possessed no detectable orthologues. These results highlight the need to complement genomic analysis with detailed proteomics in order to gain a better understanding of cellular molecular biology, while the confirmation of the open reading frame start codon using Edman ...
Wasinger V C , Humphery-S mith I .S mall genes/ gene-products in Escher iachia coli K-12 .FEM S M icrobiol Lett , 1998 , 169 (2): 375 ~ 382Wasinger VC and Humphery-Smith I (1998). Small genes/gene-products in Escherichia coli K-12. FEMS Microbiol Lett., 169: 375-382....
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出品公司:ATCC _菌_种名称:ATCC21884 , ATCC 21884 _菌_种又名:A/1668/18V _菌_株类型:肌动蛋白类,Actinoplanes ianthinogenes 存储人:Gruppo Lepetit S.p.A. 分离来源:土壤 产品目录号:21884 其他保藏库编号:BCRC13611,ATCC 21884 ;DSM 43864 ;IFO 13996 ;JCM 3249 ;KCTC 9347 ;NCIMB 12639 ;NRRL B...
ATCC 15751 Corynebacterium ammoniagenes,产氨棒杆_菌_ 肉汁琼脂平板:_菌_落圆形,平坦,光滑,全缘,灰色,产生微黄色素;不液化明胶;吲哚阴性;还原硝酸盐,发酵尿素形成氨。 参考文献:Nakayama K, et al. Process for the production of ribosylphosphates of 8-azapurine derivatives by fermentation. US Patent 3,29...
Though not biologically related,friends are as“related”as fourth cousins,sharing about 1%of genes.That is_(1)_a study,published from the University of California and Yale University in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,has__(2)_.The study is a genome-wide analysis c...
Richard Roeper
The Role of Apoptosis-Related Genes in non鈥攕mall-Cell Lung Cancerdoi:10.3816/clc.2002.n.025Eelco FokkemaHarry J.M. GroenCoby MeijerWim TimensSteven de JongElisabeth G.E. de Vries
Conclusions Polymorphisms of the TOP2A and ERCC1 genes may be a predictive factor of toxicities and survival for chemotherapy in NSCLC patients.doi:10.1002/cam4.2743Anna GrendaJustyna BachMicha SzczyrekPawe KrawczykJanusz MilanowskiCancer Medicine