Genes (基因)are made up of DNA. Genes tell your body how to grow and work. They are passed down from parents to children.Genes control everything in your body. They control things like your eye color and height. Scientists think they might control how well you play sports. This is c...
Genes (基因)are made up of DNA. Genes tell your body how to grow and work. They are passed down from parents to children. Genes control everything in your body. They control things like your eye color and height. Scientists think they might control how well you play sports. This is ca...
Thus, we speculate that transposable element expression is influenced by regulatory non-coding variants, also called expression Quantitative Trait Loci (eQTLs), known to contribute to the onset and progression of complex diseases like cancer9,10. To build on this concept, we set out to analyze ...
SARS-CoV-2 viral load results in a worsen prognosis7. COVID-19 virus attacks typically the mucosal membranes of the host through the N-terminal peptidase domain of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) at the surface of the cell membrane using the S domain8. ACE2 protein is expressed in ...
Early intervention is vital in curing certain types of cancer, most notably glandular and breast cancer, and is helpful in improving quality of life for patients with most other types of cancer. Latest statistics from national tumor register center shows that 271 in every 100,000 people develop ...
The second gene, CIC, is a negative regulator of the innate immune system, meaning it helps shut down the cell's default immune response to foreign invaders. When CIC is turned off, other genes that produce antiviral and inflammatory responses are allowed to fire up and fight off the virus...
Flowering is an important process in higher plants and is regulated by a variety of factors, including light, temperature, and phytohormones. Flowering restriction has a considerable impact on the commodity value and production cost of many horticultural crops. In Arabidopsis, the FT/TFL1 gene famil...
street pickup of leaf piles. But his scientific thinking seems generally sound, and he says the meaning of his dream is straightforward too: he’d become Dr. Frankenstein’s monster. “My unconscious is really not that subtle,” says Hanley.“I had become something else, not entirely me....
FOXP3+ regulatory T cells (Treg) are indispensable for immune homoeostasis and for the prevention of autoimmune diseases. Interleukin-2 (IL-2) signalling is critical in all aspects of Treg biology. Consequences of defective IL-2 signalling are insufficie
Psoriasis, which is one of the most common skin diseases, involves an array of complex immune constituents including T cells, dendritic cells and monocytes. Particularly, the cytokine IL17A, primarily generated by TH17 cells, assumes a crucial function in the etiology of psoriasis. In this study,...