development20,21. However, it remains unknown whether the evolution of the mammalian pallium is concerned with the changes in the above genes, although some reports indicate that brain development is affected by some gene changes, including duplication (gene, chromosome or even genome)22,23,24, ...
the knowledge gained so far,present review shortly discussed the role of the major genes especially those are involved in instigating abnormalities in the cellular cycles,cellular proliferation and differentiation.A simple but novel molecular scheme of the colorectal cancer development has also been ...
7. Importantly, in addition to the recurrent somatic alterations, population-level studies indicate the presence of yet-to-be-clearly identified heritable genetic factors that may cause the development of leiomyoma. For example
These stressors usually had deleterious impacts on the fertilization, development, growth and distribution of echinoderms, as well as marine biota (Lamare et al., 2011; Pinsino and Matranga, 2015). Particularly in the context of climate change, adaptation to rising temperature was inevitable for ...
[3]. Members of theFOXOprotein family regulate processes such as cell cycle, apoptosis, and muscle development and repair [31], whereFOXO1andFOXO3are pivotal in maintaining muscle energy homeostasis [31,32]. MRFs are key transcription factors involved in the regulation of muscle development and ...
Geriatric multimorbidity complicated with renal insufficiency can influence the prognosis of patients. However, most of the above studies have assessed the risk of renal disease development in a certain disease, and there is still a lack of tools to accurately assess the impact of multimorbidity on ...
Wingless and Engrailed appear to have similar roles in both short and long germ segmentation, but relatively little is known about the extent to which Hedgehog signaling is conserved. In a companion study to the Tribolium genome project, we analyzed the expression and function of hedgehog, ...
The identification of differentially expressed genes directs the development of functional assays to understand those biological processes. The analysis of coexpression of differentially expressed genes is also of biomedical interest. Coexpressed genes are defined by their correlated expression patterns in ...
ArticleOpen access05 July 2022 Introduction The human gut microbiome—the vast microbial ecosystem present in the gastrointestinal tract—has been suggested to play diverse and crucial roles in host health and various diseases throughout the course of life1,2. The acquisition and development of the ...
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