Genes Associated with Autism Are Surprisingly LargeEnzymes called topoisomerases are crucial for the expression of extremely long genes, including many that have been linked to autismScientific American
Significant progress has been made in elucidating the genetic underpinnings of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, there are still significant gaps in our understanding of the link between genomics, neurobiology and clinical phenotype in scientific
aThe reschers identify discrete modules of co-expressed genes associated with autism: a neuronal module enriched for autism susceptibility genes,including the neuronal specific splicing factor A2BP1 reschers辨认co表达的基因分离模块与孤独性相关: 为孤独性感受性基因丰富的一个神经细胞的模块,包括神经细胞的...
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder inexplicably biased towards males. Although prenatal exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) has recently been associated with the ASD risk, whether BPA dysregulates ASD-related genes in the developin
"There is a growing need to distinguish genes that are more likely to be associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and which ones with intellectual disabilities (ID)," Gecz said in a statement released on Tuesday. "This research aimed to address some of these difficult questions by look...
The “core” 16p11.2 region includes 25 genes. Both deletions and duplications in this region have been associated with autism, but it was unclear which of the genes might actually produce symptoms of the disease. “At the time, there was an inkling about some of them, but very few,” Si...
Thus, the 2p15–p16.1 microdeletion has a prevalence of less than 0.1% among individuals with an ASD. We selected XPO1 and OTX1 as being of greatest interest for candidate gene testing. We found that SNP rs6735330 in XPO1 was significantly associated with autism in the family-based ...
a permanent repository of DNA samples from nearly 3,000 families created by the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative. Each SSC family has one child affected with autism, parents unaffected by the disorder and, in a large proportion, unaffected siblings. The second study was conducted under...
Fish cannot display symptoms of autism, schizophrenia or other human brain disorders. However, a team of MIT biologists has shown that zebrafish can be a useful tool for studying the genes that contribute to such disorders.
According to some estimates, hundreds of genes may be associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), but it has been difficult to determine which mutations are truly involved in the disease and which are incidental. New work published in the journal Sc