Generic Load in QlikviewRatings: (4)Views: 0Share this blog:Generic Load A generic database is a table in which the field names are stored as field values in one column, while the field values are stored in a second. Generic databases are usually used for attributes of different objects....
Windows 版 Qlik Sense November 2019 建立 指令碼語法和圖表函數 指令碼語法 指令碼陳述式和關鍵字 指令碼前置詞Generic 使用generic 前置詞即可將一般資料庫解壓縮和載入。 Syntax: Generic( loadstatement | selectstatement ) 透過generic 陳述式載入的表格不會自動串連。Examples: ...
Crosstable (Month, Sales) Load * from ex1.csv; Crosstable (Month,Sales,2) Load * from ex2.csv; Crosstable (A,B) Select * from table3; Crosstable Wizard The crosstable wizard is dialog driven method of creating the crosstable statement. This dialog is opened by clicking the Crosstable...