Creating players and draft classes in Madden 24 is an absolute immersion killer. Not only have we had these same generic faces for at least 5 plus years. Out... - 8831615
Hyperion: A Generic and Distributed Mobile Offloading Framework on OpenCL Ziyan Fu1, Ju Ren1,5,∗, Yunxin Liu2,6, Ting Cao3, Deyu Zhang4, Yuezhi Zhou1,5, Yaoxue Zhang1,5 1Department of Computer Science and Technology, BNRist, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 2Institute for AI ...
void IRQ_GTM_PSM0_CH1 (void){ int i, error = 0; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) { TIM_results[i] = GTM_AFD_0.CH[0].BUF_ACC.R; if (TIM_results[i] != FIFO_values[i+1]){ error = (error|1<\bin in the Windows command shell, where refers the directory containing the ...
In this article, we propose eFIND, a new generic and efficient framework for flash-aware spatial indexing. eFIND takes into account the intrinsic characteristics of SSDs by employing (i) a write buffer to avoid expensive random writes, (ii) a flushing algorithm that smartly picks modifications...
off_D410ACC DCD word_D413940 ; DATA XREF: Main:loc_D4107CAr ; Main+6AEr off_D410AD0 DCD unk_D4001A0 ; DATA XREF: Main+44Cr Main+6B4r dword_D410AD4 DCD 0x9FF ; DATA XREF: Main+454r dword_D410AD8 DCD 0xFFFFF800 ; DATA XREF: Main+458r dword_D410ADC DCD...
Once the 200 ◦C temperature was reached, the samples were held at 200 ◦C for 15 additional minutes. Following this microwave method, the samples were allowed to cool for an hour before being transferred to a stock sample bottle, and then further diluted to 2% (v/v) in HNO3 and ...
Generic and efficient communications for clusters and gridsOuissem BEN FREDJGuy BERNARD
E HåkanssonRNASandberg, L. M.; Nilsson, R.; Hakansson, E.; Anderson, A.; Vasi, J.; Lemmens, R. Scale-up of a cost-effective and generic purification process for plasmid DNA. Life Science News, Amersham Bioscience, 2004, 16.