Never go for generic cover letter. It's a big mistake! If there were a generic cover letter that was surely worked every time, then it's a prepared meal for all the applicants. Only with changing name and address, this letter could go out to each prospective employer and be sure to m...
aalways include a cover letter with your resume. address it to an actual person, not a generic"dear sir or madam" the letter should grab the employer's attertion and outline why you are a top candidate for the position. 总包括一个说明附件与您的履历。 对一个实际人演讲它,不是一个普通"...
Save hours of work and get a cover letter like this.Pick a template, fill it in. Quick and easy. Choose from21 cover letter templates and download your cover letter now. Create your cover letter now CREATE YOUR COVER LETTER NOW What users say about ResumeLab: I had an interview yesterday...