There are two types of collections available in C#: non-generic collections and generic collections. TheSystem.Collectionsnamespace contains the non-generic collection types andSystem.Collections.Genericnamespace includes generic collection types. In most cases, it is recommended to use the generic colle...
In C#, non-generic collections are collections that can store elements of any data type. Here are some common non-generic collections in C#, ArrayList A dynamic array of objects that can be indexed, sorted, and searched. ArrayList automatically resizes as elements are added or removed, making...
Parallel.ForEach(nonGenericCollection, currentElement => { }); This issue applies to all non-generic collections (pretty much anything that was added before .NET 2.0), but here are some usual suspects that we’ve seen folks run into: XmlNodeList, DataRowCollection, DataTableCollection. The er...
Using generic collections is generally recommended, because you gain the immediate benefit of type safety without having to derive from a base collection type and implement type-specific members. Generic collection types also generally perform better than the corresponding nongeneric collection types (and...
1 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<>; //键/值对集合 2 System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<>; //键/值对结构, 作为 Dictionary<> 的一个元素存在 3 System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary<>; //相当于 Key 能自动排序 Dictionary<> 4 System.Collections.Generic.SortedList...
Those of you who are already using Silverlight 1.1 Alpha may have seen that the familiar non-generic collections were all marked as obsolete. This includes almost everything under the System.Collections namespace. You shouldn’t be too surprised. We’ve been telling you for ...
using System; 引用系统命名空间 using System.Collections.Generic;引用泛型集合命名空间 using System.ComponentModel;System.ComponentModel供给用于完成组件和控件的运行时和设计时行动的类。此命名空间包罗用于属性和类型转换器的完成、数据源绑定和组件受权的基类 和接口。using System.Data引用于数据库操作的...
System.Collections.Generic CollectionExtensions Comparer<T> <TKey,TValue>字典。枚舉 數 <TKey,TValue>字典。KeyCollection.Enumerator <TKey,TValue>字典。KeyCollection <TKey,TValue>字典。ValueCollection.Enumerator <TKey,TValue>字典。ValueCollection ...
System.Collections.Generic CollectionExtensions Comparer<T> 字典<TKey,TValue>。枚举 数 字典<TKey,TValue>。KeyCollection.Enumerator 字典<TKey,TValue>。KeyCollection 字典<TKey,TValue>。ValueCollection.Enumerator 字典<TKey,TValue>。ValueCollection ...
The following example shows a class that derives from the non-generic CollectionBase class and violates this rule.C# Копирај public class Book { public Book() { } } public class BookCollection : CollectionBase { public BookCollection() { } public void Add(Book value) { ...