The GeneratorFunction constructor creates a new generator function object. In JavaScript every generator function is actually a GeneratorFunction object.
The Generator object is returned by a generator function and it conforms to both the iterable protocol and the iterator protocol.
function*generateSequence(start, end) {for(let i = start; i <= end; i++)yieldi; } function*generateAlphaNum() {//yield* generateSequence(48, 57);for(let i =48; i <=57; i++)yieldi;//yield* generateSequence(65, 90);for(let i =65; i <=90; i++)yieldi;//yield* generate...
我举个例子: function* fn(nums){ yield* nums; } let _fn = fn( 【1,2,5】 );; //{value:1,done:false}; //{value:2,done:false}; //{value:3,done:false} yield* 后面的nums 除了数组,还可以是任何可迭代对象,比如字符串等等 呆美男: 我也写了...
Generator function: (median time) 1.74s Big array function: (median time) 1.73s In other words, no speed difference. Obviously building up a massive array in memory will increase the heap memory usage. Taking a snapshot at the end of the run and printing it each time, you can see that...
function* gen() { yield1; yield2; yield3; } varg = gen();// "Generator { }";// "Object { value: 1, done: false }";// "Object { value: 2, done: false }";// "Object { value: 3, done: false }" ...
function*Iterators and generators Edit this page on MDN © 2005–2017 Mozilla Developer Network and individual contributors. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License v2.5 or later.
Creating a Generator Function 000☰ Jump to sectionThe following is an experiment in how to represent a physical pack of playing cards using a JavaScript Generator - a special type of object that is iterable - meaning that it can be invoked using .next() or in a for...of loop....
注:Symbol 是 ES6 中引入的新的键类型。之前的键类型只能是字符串,而在 ES6 中,有两种了。关于 Symbol,可以参阅Symbol - JavaScript | MDN 实现 知道了规矩,实现起来就好办了 jQuery.fn[Symbol.iterator] = function () { let index = 0; return { ...
查看MDN中的概念:传送地址 迭代器 关于迭代器,就是我们上面讨论的next方法,返回done和value(done:true时可以省略)两个参数。 代码语言:javascript 复制 functioniteratorFunc(){letarr=[...arguments]letnIndex=0return{next:()=>{returnnIndex<arr.length?{value:arr[nIndex++],done:false}:{done:true}}}leta...