Title Pokemon Generations English Title Pokemon Generations Aliases Romaji Title Pokemon Jenereeshonzu Furigana Title ポケモンジェネレーションズ Japanese Title ポケモンジェネレーションズ Japanese Studio Name オー・エル・エム English Studio Name OLM Companies Involved ( Add ) Content Rating...
Pokémon: Generations is a 3D Action/Adventure/RPG heavily inspired by both the Pokemon Anime & the Pokemon Video Games. RSSFiles Reset PostedUpdated|Name|Category|Popular Today|Popular All Time|Relevance PokeGen v.2 - Launcher May 31 2013Demo2049 comments ...
Nothing too major here, but we'd truly only like those who can commit to a specific Pokemon and deliver with the same quality matched by the ones currently in games. To be sure of this, we're asking that anybody who's interested emailpokegentokes@gmail.comwith an example of their capa...
I must say, the art style your team has gotten spot on. The environment, Pokemon models, all of it. Perfect. The real challenge, in my opinion, is in if you're able to make this world feel alive. Which is the key difference between the original Gameboy games, and the television seri...
The addition of Fairy-type to the mainline games became one of the most anticipated things for many trainers during the advent of Generation 6. Featured Videos Since then, the roster of Pokemon under this type grew to the point that it finally gave us a number of mons that are just as ...
Pokemon Awesome on Product HuntPokemon Awesome on GitHub ⚙️⚙️ All generationsGeneration IGeneration IIGeneration IIIGeneration IVGeneration VGeneration VIGeneration VIIGeneration VIIIGeneration IXAll typesBugDarkDragonElectricFairyFightingFireFlyingGhostGrassGroundIceNormalPoisonPsychicRockSteelWater ...
1.There is very few cartoon/anime games for pc soo people will go all crazy about it. 2.Pokemons is their thing,no other console is doing pokemon games. Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes Guest - Jul 18 2013 - 715,155 comments They technically -do- have an obligation Part of co...
and as it keeps moving towards looking and feeling more and more like theactual Pokemon gamesthemselves, you have to wonder where you draw the line between "homage" and "imitation", form of flattery or otherwise. As of this writing, the game stands at version 1.29, which means that while...
Trainer-Supporter Discard an Energy attached to your opponent’s Active Pokémon.
Latest on Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom 25 Shippin' Out April 20-25: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Persona 3: FES Niche gaming rules the week, as headliners join SE's The World Ends With You; Battle of the Bands jams on Wii, NBA Ballers slams 360, PS3. ...